Page 150 - Introduction to Business
P. 150

124     PART 1  The Nature of Contemporary Business

                      Portfolio Projects

        Exploring Your Own Case in Point                        efforts. How is this involvement beneficial to your
        This chapter deals with the governance structure of     company?
        businesses, including large publicly traded corpora-  Starting Your Own Business
        tions. It examines governmental regulation of major  After reading this chapter you should be able to address
        corporations, as well as the ethical practices and social
                                                            some issues related to the potential legal structure of
        responsibility of corporations. Answers to the questions
                                                            your business, its possible stakeholders, and its role in
        below will help you better understand how your com-
                                                            your community.
        pany is governed and how it operates in its communi-
        ties.                                                1. Which business governance structure will you use?
                                                                What are the advantages/disadvantages of this
         1. Where is your company incorporated, and what
                                                                business form? Do you think you might change
            type or types of common stock does it have issued
                                                                your structure as the business grows?
            and outstanding?
                                                             2. Is there any possibility that in the near future you
         2. Who are the members of the board of directors of
                                                                might have partners in your business? What kind
            your company? What are their backgrounds? Are
                                                                of partners (general or limited) would you be most
            there any/many female/minority directors?
                                                                interested in having?
         3. During the past few years, has your company
                                                             3. Will you need to have creditors to fund your busi-
            issued stock options to its corporate officers or
                                                                ness? What kind of relationship with your creditors
            directors? If so, how many shares of stock options
                                                                do you hope to establish?
            has it issued? How many shares of stock do the
            company’s top officers own outright versus via   4. Who will be some of the suppliers for your busi-
            stock options?                                      ness? Do you expect to have a diverse set of
         4. Has your company issued a company code of
            ethics? If so, what are some of the key provisions of  5. How will your business interact with its commu-
            this code?                                          nity? How will you prevent unethical behavior
                                                                from occurring in your business?
         5. Is your company involved in efforts to improve its
            community? If so, describe some of its recent

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