Page 198 - Introduction to Business
P. 198

172     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

           Global Business

                       Pushing Pills Around the World

                       Once a company like Pfizer, through    the free samples they bring to physicians’ offices,
                       innovation planning, discovers a drug  are going to go away any time soon.
           like Viagra, it then has to sell it. While direct-to-  New technologies, however, may change the
           consumer pharmaceutical advertising via television  detailers’ roles to a considerable extent. For example,
           and other media is permitted in the United States,  the company provides detailing to
           this is not the case in all countries.             physicians via computer-based videoconferencing.
              The traditional focus of pharmaceutical drug    A number of major pharmaceutical companies have
           marketing throughout the developed world is the    signed up for this service, which potentially allows
           personal “detail.” This involves big drug companies  company sales representatives to have more daily
           organizing a large team of sales representatives.  interactions with physicians in a more monitored
           These sales representatives receive intensive training  setting. Selling pharmaceutical drugs is a multibillion
           about the company’s products and pharmaceuticals   dollar per year business, and pharmaceutical
           in general, and then are assigned a territory in which  companies are continually trying to figure out how
           they regularly visit doctors and try to sell their  to best organize and allocate resources to this
           company’s drugs. The idea is that through face-to-  endeavor.
           face visits with physicians, the detailers can persuade
                                                              Source: “Pushing Pills,” The Economist, February 13, 2003, p. 61;
           doctors to write a lot of prescriptions for their  telephone interview with Mr. Charles Van Cott, executive vice presi-
           company’s products and to use their company’s      dent,, March 20, 2003.
           products rather than similar products sold by other
           companies.                                         Questions
              This organizational technique for marketing
                                                              1. How do you think the performance of pharma-
           pharmaceutical drugs, however, has had its
                                                                 ceutical detailers is measured? What kind of
           problems. In Italy, for example, there have been
                                                                 technology is necessary?
           recent investigations of 40 employees of the British
                                                              2. Who should regulate any ethical issues that arise
           drug company GlaxoSmithKline and 30 physicians for
                                                                 between detailers and physicians?
           comparaggio, which is physicians agreeing to
                                                              3. What disadvantages are there to Internet or
           prescribe company drugs in exchange for free
                                                                 computer detailing versus traditional face-to-face
           computers and other lavish gifts. Nevertheless, it’s
           unlikely that pharmaceutical company detailers, or
                                     organization. But once Michael Dell hired someone, an organization was formed.
        organizational structure Specified  All organizations have some sort of structure. More specifically,  organizational
        positions within an organization and the  structure involves specified positions within an organization and how they interre-
        ways they interrelate with each other
                                     late with each other. For example, major pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer,
                                     Merck, and GlaxoSmithKline have people in their organizations who do research on
                                     the market for legal drugs and the people who sell these drugs, the detailers. The
                                     detailers need to constantly interface with purchasers. For example, they need to be
                                     able to quickly inform physicians about a newly discovered use for a drug.
                                        Different organizations need different types of organizational structures. The type
                                     of organizational structure that works best in the military, for instance, may not be at
                                     all effective in an Internet start-up company. Moreover, organizational structures
                                     may change with changing circumstances. Let’s say that a major league baseball team
                                     decides that any new players it hires during the next five years are already going to
                                     have had at least some playing experience with another major league team. If the
                                     team adopts such a strategic plan, it probably will not need as many people working
                                     in its minor league organization. Similarly, an accounting firm or other business that
                                     adopts such a hiring approach, i.e., experienced employees only, can probably
                                     sharply downsize or even temporarily eliminate its college recruiting department.

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