Page 194 - Introduction to Business
P. 194

168     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

        EXHIBIT 5.1
        Strategic Analysis: Whirlpool Goes to China

              Company vision          Company strategic             Strategy                 Strategy
                or mission               goal or goals            formulation             implementation

         “Every Home…Everywhere”    Expand and develop        Concentrate on clothes  Build Whirlpool washing
                                    international business;   washing machines;       machine factory in Huainan
                                    develop and expand        concentrate on Chinese  during the next two years—
                                    business in world’s most  heartland cities like   tactical plan; improve
                                    populous country which    Huainan, with 2.1 million  Whirlpool marketing display
                                    has a growing middle      people.                 at Hualian Commercial store,
                                    class—China.                                      Huainan, China, so that
                                                                                      within three months store
                                                                                      sales of Whirlpool clothes
                                                                                      washing machines will be
                                                                                      at least 36–37 per month—
                                                                                      operational plan.

                                        reality      If you were going to start a business selling magazine subscriptions to
                                      CH ECK         students at your college, what might an initial environmental analysis
                                                     for this business involve?

                                        LEARNING OBJECTIVE 2
                                        Discuss the special planning elements of succession planning, innovation planning,
                                        and contingency and crisis planning.

                                     Special Planning Elements.     The strategic planning process contains three
                                     parts, or elements, that deserve and receive special and separate attention. They are
                                     succession planning, innovation planning, and contingency and crisis planning.

        succession planning Planning related  SUCCESSION PLANNING. Succession planning involves planning about choosing
        to choosing successors for top  successors for top company executives. Most companies have what the former Gen-
        organization executives
                                     eral Electric Company CEO Jack Welch called “hit by a truck” succession plans. 12
                                     Such plans frequently involve depth charts, much like royal orders of succession in
                                     countries with monarchies. These charts list in what order various top managers will
                                     move into the company’s CEO and other top executive spots should an accident, like
                                     a plane crash, occur, killing or incapacitating the company’s CEO or other top offi-
                                     cial. Some companies require that certain top executives never travel together, just
                                     as the president and vice president of the United States never fly on the same air-
                                     plane together. Many companies also carry, for the benefit of the company, large life
                                     insurance policies on the lives of their CEO and other top executives.
                                        Another, more controversial type of succession planning involves comprehen-
                                     sive planning regarding which individual is going to succeed the firm’s top execu-
                                     tive. Some CEOs strongly resist naming and grooming a successor and setting a
                                     specific date for their own retirement. Moreover, some boards of directors are reluc-
                                     tant to set up an explicit horse race for the top slot, lest it attract unnecessary pub-
                                     licity and promote unnecessary rivalries within the firm.
                                        In contrast, other CEOs and corporate boards embrace a strong and explicit
                                     CEO succession planning process. Jack Welch, for example, started a comprehen-
                                     sive CEO succession plan at GE in 1994, seven years in advance of his planned 2001
                                     retirement. The so-called NG (for New Guy) process became the biggest job of GE’s
                                     senior vice president for human resources and initially involved 23 (all internal)
                                     candidates. Ultimately, the CEO horse race came down to three candidates: Jeff

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