Page 190 - Introduction to Business
P. 190

164     PART 2  Managing Business Behavior

                                                         out how to operationalize the goal. If the team has been los-
                                                         ing a lot of games because of a relatively weak pitching staff,
                                                         the team manager needs to think about hiring or trading for
                                                         some new good pitchers. Moreover, the manager has to
                                                         make the hiring decision in the context of limited resources.
                                                         Hiring a couple of all-star pitchers may mean that there’s
                                                         not enough money left to renew the contract of a high-
                                                         priced, very good, but not all-star third base player.
                                                            Putting the best possible team together, however, is only
                                                         the beginning of a baseball team manager’s work. The man-
                                                         ager decides which pitchers to play in which games, and the
                                                         team’s batting lineup. The manager directs players regard-
                                                         ing whether they should try to steal bases.  The manager
                                                         makes sure that optimal medical care, weight training
                                                         equipment, and other resources are available for the play-
                                                         ers. The manager counsels and reprimands players who are
                                                         arrested for drunk driving on Saturday night. The manager
                                                         decides how much to invest in the team’s minor league
                                                         clubs and future player development.
                                                            Do good baseball team managers make a difference?
                                                         Recent academic research on major league baseball teams
                                                         says that the answer to this question is yes. Teams with
                                                         certain styles of management have been found to outper-
                                                         form other teams having equivalent or even better
                                                         resources, players, and budgets.  The Anaheim Angels
                                                         baseball team, with an annual player payroll of about $65
                                                         million, won a World Series championship after beating
                                                         the New  York  Yankees, with an annual player payroll of
        Baseball team managers, such as St. Louis Cardinals   over $140 million, in the first round of the playoffs. The
        manager Tony LaRussa, have significant responsibility for  Anaheim Angels’ excellent management had something to
        the success or failure of their teams. Here LaRussa ponders  do with this success.
        team strategy while awaiting the start of a recent spring
        training game against the New York Mets.

             The Management Process

             Describe the strategic planning process, including the establishment of strategic goals, strategy formu-
             lation, and strategy implementation.
                                     There are four basic functions of the management process: planning, organizing,
                                     directing, and controlling. Managers engage in all of these activities on an ongoing

        planning Establishing organizational  Planning involves establishing organizational goals and deciding how best to
        goals and deciding how best to get  achieve them. For example, it might be the goal of a 64-year-old owner of a small
        them achieved
                                     business to sell the business for a lot of money and retire to Aruba. The question
                                     becomes how best to plan to make this goal a reality.
                                        Planning is the most important management function in that all the excellent
                                     management execution in the world—excellent organizing, directing, and controlling—
                                     is worthless without the right organizational strategy and goals. Or, as Intel

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