Page 399 - Introduction to Business
P. 399

CHAPTER 10   Developing the Promotion and Distribution Mixes  373

                              Portfolio Projects

                 Exploring Your Own Case in Point                   Starting Your Own Business
                 This chapter discusses four aspects of the promotion  This chapter provides information you need to know to
                 mix: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and  effectively promote and distribute your products and
                 publicity. You were also introduced to channels of dis-  services. Use the concepts contained in this chapter to
                 tribution and logistics, the two major components of a  deal with the following concerns.
                 company’s distribution mix. By answering the following  1. Develop an overall promotion budget and a
                 questions, you will gain a better understanding about  budget for each of the promotion options (adver-
                 the promotion and distribution operations of your      tising, sales promotion, personal selling, and pub-
                 selected company.                                      licity) you will be using. Decide how many promo-
                  1. What type of promotion does your company           tional dollars should be allocated for each product
                     emphasize? Does it vary by product or service? Can  or service.
                     you tell how much your selected company spends  2. Determine what advertising media you want to
                     on promotion? Does the company reveal specific     use. What major appeals will you use to promote
                     expenditures for advertising, sales promotion, per-  your products or services?
                     sonal selling, and publicity?
                                                                     3. Decide where you will store your inventory—at
                  2. Does your company employ a specific public rela-   home or in a warehouse. How much inventory will
                     tions firm? If so, can you tell what it does for your  you want to carry? How will you ship your prod-
                     company?                                           ucts to your customers?
                  3. What channels of distribution does your company
                     use? Do these channels appear to vary depending
                     on the type of product or service?
                  4. What modes of transportation does your company
                     use? Can you tell what the company’s total logistics
                     costs are?

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