Page 7 - Pearls of Perception (eBook)
P. 7
Well, in order to slow down the momentum of victimhood, and even-
tually cutting out its juice, it’s of uttermost importance that you stop
fueling it with attention. The first step is to bring your attention back
to the present moment and make that into your primary focus.
Gradually, everything else will begin to transition to a secondary posi-
tion, thining out and giving room to an increasingly growing silence.
You’ll then discover, right within your own breathing space, a new,
yet familiar dimension of unmatched clarity and transparency. Abide
more and more into that openness, and let it soak up your being,
from head to toe and reversed. Welcome the emerging joy and well-
being, and dive into that ocean of calm.
You can now see what it truly feels like to be alive.
This is your potential, this is your original destiny.
Embrace it, manifest it, be one with it.
May all beings find peace.
- Alexandru Pop