Page 16 - AMTDC Annual Report 2019-20flipbook
P. 16

Development of Hydrostatic Bearing Systems: A Step Towards Creating

       Technology Base for Indian Precision Machine Tool Builders

      Scope/ Objective:

      1.    Development  of  hydrostatic  spindles  and  guideways  of
      different  types,  designs  and  accuracy  levels  suitable  for
      implementation in machine tools.
                                                                             Hydrostatic Systems:
      2.  To develop critical technologies of flow controller, essentially
      the heart of the hydrostatic system for which the technological        The key to Precision
      know-how is not available in India.

      3. To  develop  and evaluate  the  performance  characteristic of      Technology
      hydrostatic  spindle,  slide,  and  novel  fixtures  like  work/  tool
      design and critical units such as flow controllers.                           Throughout  the  machine
                                                                             tool  industry,  hydrostatic  linear
      4. To build  a state-of-the-art  grinding  machine  that uses  high    guides  are  considered  the  best
      precision hydrostatic bearing systems that can achieve the world       technical  solution  for  vibration
      class benchmark parameters.
                                                                             damping  at  the  point  of  system
      Project Outcome: Patentable                                            loading  as  they  eliminate  all  metal-
                                                                             to-metal  contact  and  therefore
      Technology of Flow Controllers                                         possess advantages in terms of lesser
                                                                             friction,  higher  damping,  high  load
           Two  different  flow  controllers  have  been  developed          carrying capacity, moderate thermal
      successfully and patented. Circular membrane diaphragm flow            effects and extremely low wear. The
      controller for Spindle (CMD flow controller) and cylindrical metal     outcome  is  a  high-performance
      tube diaphragm (MTD Flow controller). CMD flow controllers are
      developed indigenously that have a load carrying capability of         grinding machine with characteristics
      1.5  ton  with  a  static  stiffness  of  7500  N/μm.  The  CMD  flow   that stay consistent for years.
      controller  is  capable  of  maintaining  a  prescribed  oil  film
      thickness within a deviation of less than 1 μm for an applied load
      of 1.5 ton. The active compensation mechanism in these new
      patented  flow  controllers  enables  the  system  to  be  tuneable
      irrespective of the type of machine tools or working conditions.

     AMTDC Annual Report | 2019-20
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