Page 19 - AMTDC Annual Report 2019-20flipbook
P. 19

The  fully  automated  grinder-cum-polisher  as
        developed has four grinding/ polishing stations plus one
        ultra-sound cleaning and drying station that are installed
        in the machine’s sturdy mild steel housing of dimension
        830 × 3000 × 1580 mm. An automatic 5-level foil stacker        Automation in
        cum foil changing unit is in-built in the system.
            The  machine  holds  features  like  uniform               Metallographic Sample
        application of load across the whole specimen surface,         Preparation: A Faster &
        correct positioning and holding of the samples, storing
        multiple  foils,  fixed  time  of  polishing  and  suitably    Better Solution
        changing various grades of foils, etc.
            Touch-screen-controls facilitate up to 10 different            The  current  project  is  intended  to
        operations to be sequenced for a particular application.       design  and  develop  a  fully  automated
        The various options include pre-grinding, grinding and         multi-station  grinding  and  polishing
        polishing as well as ultrasonic cleaning and drying using      machine  along  with  automatic  foil
        warm-air dryer with timer. This automated grinding and         changing unit that can generate specimen
        polishing  machine  automatically  proceeds  from  one         with a flatness of about 5µm repeatedly
        step  to  the  next,  eliminating  the  manual,  time-         with  consistency  of  planarity  in  all  of  6
        consuming  task  of  cleaning,  re-fixing  of  sample,  etc.,   specimens simultaneously.
        between  steps,  and  hence  is  capable  of  completely
        automating the grinding and polishing aspects.

     AMTDC Annual Report | 2019-20
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