Page 4 - WHO
P. 4
Executive Summary:
Polio eradica�on ini�a�ve program is considered a pla�orm for suppor�ng immuniza�on
and other public health ac�vi�es in Sudan. The close coordina�on between PEI, rou�ne
immuniza�on, communicable disease control and health emergencies brought frui�ul
The current annual technical report for the year 2018 is covering progress and challenges
of essen�al components of the program. The content of the report includes background
informa�on about the AFP surveillance system, main ac�vi�es conducted, enhancing quali-
ty of the program through supplementary surveillance such as environmental surveillance,
community based surveillance, improving quality of reverse cold chain, and follow up on
recommenda�ons of interna�onal surveillance review 2017 as well as internal surveillance
review 2018 and outcome of supplementary immuniza�on ac�vi�es (SIAs).
AFP surveillance system in Sudan was passive surveillance up to 1999, it means the ac�vi-
�es were depending on referred cases from hospitals and clinics for lab inves�ga�on. At the
beginning of the year 2000, WHO made tremendous inputs to establish an efficient AFP
surveillance system in the country. It has provided technical assistance on capacity of staff
and tools development, transporta�on, supplies, equipment, staff and opera�onal costs.
A total of 579 AFP cases reported during 2018 and all were discarded. The non-polio AFP
rate was 3.1 per 100 000 under 15 years children, 98% of the 579 cases had adequate stool
specimens. 100% of stool samples arrived to the laboratory in good condi�on. Stool sam-
ples adequacy rate was 100% in 9 states, between 89% - 99% in all other 9 states.
Sudan VPDs Surveillance is basically facility bases surveillance with recent ini�a�ve of
adding community based components to cover the needs of special popula�on in a
number of states. Sudan established environmental surveillance system September 2018
through technical and financial support from WHO country office.
Efforts were in place to strengthening reverse cold chain, adding the logtags to the carriers
although the project was started in 2018, there was issues on capacity of staff, quality of log
tag device and coverage of the project.
The interna�onal review of AFP surveillance was organized in all 18 states 28 November–7
December, 2017. Overall objec�ves were to ensure that AFP surveillance system sensi�ve
enough to detect transmission and measures. WHO country office with the support from
FMOH developed a road map to track status of implementa�on from review with all
concern par�es. The road map included ac�vi�es, �meline, responsible units in FOMH,
WHO and RO. The matrix was