Page 6 - WHO
P. 6


          Sudan lies in the center of Africa and has borders with Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central Africa,
          Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan. The border tribes o�en have the same families and other

          socio-economic �es that there is a con�nuous movement across the borders. This move-
          ment had affected the health situa�on through a long history of communicable diseases
          spread and currently is having a great impact on the spread of diseases in the country. This
          fact is well considered in polio eradica�on ac�vi�es.

          The climate of Sudan ranges from desert in the north, extending south through semi desert,
          poor savannah, savannah and rich savannah. This affects types and persistence of different
          diseases in the country. At the beginning of 2018 the less than 15 years popula�on was
          es�mated to be 17.938.611 About 90% of the popula�ons are residents, 5.5% nomads and
          3% IDPs, refuges1.5%.

          Distribution of  children under 15 years by localities in Sudan

            Administra�vely, the country is divided into 18states. The 18 states are further divided into
            189 locali�es. For AFP/Measles/NNT surveillance purposes table 1 show the name of each
            state, the code used for surveillance purposes, the number of locali�es in that state, the
            number of children under 15 years and number of expected AFP cases.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11