Page 2 - RiskAssessment
P. 2
Sudan National Strategic Risk Assessment for Public Health Emergencies
Narrative report
Risk Assessment Method: Strategic Tool for Assessing Risks
Country: Sudan
Date conducted 15-16/8/2018
The date for the next assessment: August 2019
Facilitator: Dr. Osman Elmahal, Dr Hader Osman & Dr Mahgoub Hamid
i.Identify the possible hazards that may require MoH intervention
ii.De�ine the level health risk for each identi�ied hazard
iii.Ranked de�ined health risks
iv.Guide the implementation of a comprehensive and strategic risk assessment to
inform preparedness and response plans.
-Place: Grand Holley day Villa hotel
-Please insert the summary of Participants at the annex below (annex 1)
-12 Hrs