Page 18 - WHO
P. 18
Series of consultations were made and it was agreed for 2019 to:
Target group: Focus on 19 high risk locali�es in Tier 2 for rolling out the reverse cold chain proj-
ect; assess need to roll out in �er 3 locali�es based on implementa�on in Tier 2 locali�es and
program need
Logis�cs: WHO Sudan will host the training workshop for the locality officers from Tier 2 locali-
�es; CDC will purchase the needed LogTag devices
Timeline: Aim to organize the training workshop in September 2019
Progress on interna�onal review
The review was organized in all 18 states 28 November–7 December, 2017. Overall objec�ves
were to ensure that AFP surveillance system sensi�ve enough to detect transmission and mea-
sures how sensi�ve the country’s system for repor�ng of AFP cases is, and how repor�ng data
can be improved.
A�er extensive filed work the par�cipants presented findings and challenges in a na�onal
workshop organized in Khartoum 07 December 2017. Final report was distributed to all states
and recommenda�ons were changed to ac�on points for follow up.
The review concluded; that the structure and system for the AFP surveillance in Sudan is well
established and highly func�onal. Sudan has adequate capacity within the public health
system at federal, state and locality levels, and the staff is dedicated and well trained.
Key areas of improvement include community-based surveillance among high-risk popula-
�ons, data management, and data analysis beyond indicators, inter-state communica�on, and
suppor�ve supervision from federal level.
The review team concluded that the AFP surveillance system appears sensi�ve and is unlikely
to miss an importa�on or circula�on of wild or vaccine-derived poliovirus. However, imple-
menta�on of the aforemen�oned recommenda�ons should help to maintain and improve the
quality of the AFP surveillance system in Sudan.
WHO country office with the support from FMOH developed a road map to track status of
implementa�on from review with all concern par�es. The road map included ac�vi�es, �me-
line, responsible units in FOMH, WHO and RO. The matrix was updated on quarterly
based, report was share with partners, and final progress report was shared November 2018.