Page 19 - WHO
P. 19

AFP Surveillance Internal Review, Sudan

         The review was convened in all 18 states 29 Sept - 05 Oct 2018. Overall objec�ves were to
         ensure that AFP surveillance system is �mely and sensi�ve enough to detect transmission and

         measures how sensi�ve the country’s system for repor�ng of AFP cases is, and how repor�ng
         data can be improved.

         A�er extensive filed work the par�cipants presented findings and challenges in a na�onal work-
         shop organized in Khartoum 07 October 2018. Final report was distributed to all states and
         recommenda�ons were changed to ac�on points for follow up.

         The  review  concluded,  the  federal  and  state  level  officers  recognized  internal  surveillance
         review as effec�ve exercise to know the strength and weakness of program at state and locality.
         These officers learned from experiences of reviewing another state in Sudan.

         Key challenges are iden�fied and recommenda�ons are made, na�onal team should develop
         an ac�on plan in order to follow implementa�on of these recommenda�ons.

          It has also expanded the zero repor�ng sites (addi�onal sites) aiming at more sensi�ve surveil-
         lance system par�cularly for remote popula�on groups and nomads. During 2018 the different
         repor�ng sites and the expanded zero repor�ng sites were reviewed.

         The polio outbreak preparedness and respond plans in all states for picking importa�ons and
         containing them were reviewed and implemented vigorously. These plans were also reviewed
         during the simula�on exercise conducted during 2016 and 2018.

         Integra�on of measles, adverse events following immuniza�on and NNT surveillance has start-
         ed since 2003 and now it is fully integrated in the system and con�nuous improvements were
         implemented during 2018.

              Meetings and workshops:

         During the year 2018 the program management team had par�cipate ac�vely several mee�ngs
         and workshops, in summary; six AFP surveillance Na�onal Expert Commi�ee mee�ngs were

         held. The commi�ee had review a total of 21 cases with inadequate specimens & residual paral-
         ysis or death or lost to follow-up or adequate stool samples but had residual paralysis on 60-
         days’ follow-up and also reviewed 41 discarded cases. All of them were discarded.

         The Na�onal Cer�fica�on Commi�ee met three �mes during the year. a total of 41 weekly
         surveillance mee�ngs were conducted.  WHO country office organized annual review and plan-
         ning mee�ng with all states’ Na�onal Medical Officers, the state EPI managers were also invited

         to this mee�ng. Program review were achieved and priority areas were defined for year 2019.
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