Page 15 - SB-Black and White Kingdom
P. 15

A puzzled King turned to the Peddler and asked, “What does this mean?” “Well, your Majesty, it means that you will take all of my stock of glasses and have your soldiers distribute them to everyone in your kingdom,” replied the Peddler.
“I guess these glasses are very expensive and you will get rich,” the King said. But when the Peddler told him the price, the King said, “Surely you jest, for that is a goodly sum but nowhere near what I anticipated.”
The Peddler smiled and said, ”Oh, wealth is nice but I am truly interested in seeing what will happen when you distribute the glasses.”
“Why, my subjects will be thrilled with the opportunity
to become as wise as their King,” the King said to the Peddler. “Think of it, a kingdom with subjects able to make fine distinctions about things and people based on their knowledge and understanding and not on some
superficial color.”
“Yes,” replied the Peddler, “It will indeed be interesting.”
The King signed the declaration with great fanfare and had copies posted in every town and village. The next few weeks were busy as his soldiers went about distributing the glasses. Those caught without them were issued a citation. A fine was given if they were caught without them again.

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