Page 18 - SB-Black and White Kingdom
P. 18
She concluded, “We would have to be constantly making decisions ... decisions, which we did not have to make before the Glasses.”
The King sighed, “I would never have imagined that anyone would not want this gift but if you don’t, I will honor your request. Let a new declaration be issued that all who wish to return the King’s Glasses may come to the castle and leave them with the gate keeper. No penalties will be given to them.”
So they would rather not have wisdom. How many are going to return the Magic Glasses?
A saddened King turned to the Peddler and said, “I just don’t understand why some people will be returning this great gift. However, a bargain is a bargain. I bought these glasses from you but if they are returned, I want to give them back to you and you don’t have to pay any of the money back.” “I will gladly take them off your hands,” replied the Peddler.
For the next month, there was a constant stream of people returning the glasses. The King had to assign an accountant and two additional gatekeepers to handle the flow. Still, on his occasional walks through the market, the King saw a few people wearing his glasses. When asked why they wore them, they talked about how much better their life had become once they learned how to use them.