Page 50 - Nabız Sayı1
P. 50


           Rasim KÖPRÜLÜLER İngilizce Öğretmeni

                                     F                        R                         I
                                     O                        E                         N
                SITUATION            R                        L                         F
                                     M                        A                         R
                                     A                        E                         M
                                     L                        D                         L
           A family member is       I would greatly appreciate   Please leave me alone.  Get off my back; lay off.
           bothering you and you    if you would please refrain
           want them to stop.       from being a nuisance.
           You tell a friend you    Excuse me but I just     I need to go to the toilet. I need to go to the loo;
           really need to go to the   need a moment to use                             Where’s the bog? I’m
           bathroom.                the absolution facilities.                         gonna powder my nose.
                                                                                       (US English)
           You need to ask someo-   Excuse me, but would     Could you help me?        Hey, could you lend me
           ne for help.             you mind assisting me                              a hand? (US English)
                                    with the task?                                     Could you help me out
                                                                                       with this?
           You see someone whom  I have developed a severe  I don’t like that girl at   I can’t stand her; I hate
    50     you strongly dislike.    and passionate distaste   all.                     her guts.

                                    for her.
           You just finished an easy  The examination was    That test was easy.       That test was a piece
           exam.                    incredibly simple.                                 of cake; I knocked that
                                                                                       test out of the park. (US
           You have to do somet-    I am sincerely dreading   I don’t want to do this.  What a drag; What a
           hing, but you don’t want  this duty.                                        pain; What a bore.
           to do it.
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