Page 53 - Nabız Sayı1
P. 53
Get along
If you “get along” with someone, you have Go on
good relationship with them.
“I get along really well with all my work If you “go on” to another place, you continue
colleagues.” travelling to that other place.
If you’re “getting along well”, you’re making “After landing in Phoenix, Arizona, we went on
progress and doing well. to Los Angeles.”
“How are the new employees getting along at If something is “going on” it’s happening.
work?” “What’s all this noise up here? What’s going on?
Give up
If you “give up” something
that you do regularly you
stop doing that thing.
“ I gave up smoking a long
time ago and feel a lot better Look up 53
If you “give up” thinking or If things are “looking up” they appear to be better.
believing something, you “Things have started looking up since the new
no longer think or believe government came into power.”
that thing. If you “look up” information, you try to find it in a
“I thought that we might book or on the internet.
be able to win the league “If you aren’t sure of the meaning of the expressi-
but since last week’s game, on, look it up on the internet.”
I’ve given up all of that ever
2. Sentence Completion
Complete the Sentences with the correct prepositions.
1. Word Choice 1. What was going _____ last night? There was terrible
Complete the Sentences with the correct
prepositions. noise.
2. She brought _______ the topic of Jessica, despite being
1. She gets up/along well with her teammates. told not to.
2. He gave to/up drinking a few months ago. 3. Why would he disappear one day before his wedding?
3. I was brought up/through by my uncle after It just doesn’t add _______.
my parents passed away.
4. I blew up/down the balloon and then hang 4. How are you getting ________ with the project? Almost
it up. 5. The bomb blew ____ at 3 pm, destroying much of the
5. She came up/across an old photo of her city center.
grandmother while she was in the attic. 6. He’s all right, but he comes ______ as a bit arrogant
6. Thins are looking at/up – maybe she should
move into a bigger office. to marry me.
7. I’ve given _______ all hope of her ever agreeing to
7. They went by/on to a party after leaving marry me.
the bar. 8. I’ve got no idea what it means. Why don’t you look it
8. These figures just don’t add up/across – I _____ in a dictionary?
think there’s something wrong.