Page 52 - Nabız Sayı1
P. 52


           PHRASAL VERBS!

             Add up
                                                               Blow up
            If you “add up” numbers, you find the total.
            “They added up the numbers and the total           If you “blow up” balloons, you will fill them
            was 64.”                                           with air.

            If something doesn’t “add up”, it doesn’t          “We  blew  up  sixteen  balloons  for  her
            make sense.                                        birthday party.”
            “There’s something fishy about his story.          If a bomb “blows up”, it explodes.
            It doesn’t add up.”                                “A bomb blew up and destroyed the building.”


                                                          Come across
             Bring up
                                                          If you “come across” someone or
                                                          something, you find it accidentally
            If you “bring up” a child, you take care of it,   or by chance.
            feed it, educated it, etc. until it’s an adult.  “I was walking around Naples
            “She was brought up by her grandparents       when I came across my old friend
            as both her parents had died.”                Ben.”
            If you “bring up” a topic, you mention it while   If someone  “comes across” as
            you’re speaking.                              intelligent  (for example) they
            “Don’t bring up the topics of holidays or     seem to be very intelligent.
            benefits during the first interview.”         “I met my new line manager
                                                          today. She comes across as a bit
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