Page 26 - CCFA Journal - Fourth Issue
P. 26
Economics 经济纵横 加中金融
On the other hand, a considerable number of residents have insufficient marginal propensity to consume, that is, although they have a certain income,
they have all sorts of “worries about the future”, which triggers a higher tendency to increase “preventive saving” which decreases consumption.
Keynes’s absolute income hypothesis has put forward the law of diminishing marginal propensity to consume. As income increases, consumption
will increase accordingly, but will be slower than the increase in income. “Preventive saving” is one of the important driving forces of residents’ saving
incentives. In order to prevent the occurrence of uncertain events such as unemployment, disease treatment, and children’s education expenses, residents
will deliberately strengthen certain savings behaviors to prevent unexpected needs in the future. The more residents worry about the future, the more
obvious the precautionary saving tendency will be, which lowers the corresponding tendency to consume.
新冠疫情严重爆发的 2020 年 1-4 月,从社会消费品零售总额来看,这一指标的同比增速严重下滑(如图 3 所示),疫情对社会消费产生
综合从全年来看,疫情对社会消费造成的冲击不容忽视。据国家统计局分地区的统计,1-11 月份,城镇消费品零售额 304413 亿元,
同比下降 4.9%;乡村消费品零售额 47002 亿元,下降 4.3%,城镇和农村的消费都因疫情明显受挫。目前新冠疫情已持续一年,成为笼罩
全社会日常生产、消费中的一片阴霾,但在以“武汉解封”为标志基本控制疫情蔓延之后,城乡消费已在 2020 年 8 月转为同比正增长,
10-11 月已分别增长 4%和 5%以上(见图 3 和表 3,环比数据见图 4)。
For the current consumption level of China, on the one hand, in the short term, residents' consumption is greatly affected by the black swan event
of COVID-19; on the other hand, in the long term, residents' worries are also one of the important reasons for the low consumption tendency of
From January to April of 2020, when the COVID-19 was more serious, the year-on-year growth rate of the total retail sales of consumer goods
declined significantly, which seriously impacted social consumption. Later, as the control of the epidemic gradually improved, work and production
resumed and consumption gradually recovered.
Looking at the whole year, the impact of the epidemic on social consumption cannot be ignored. According to the regional statistics of the National
Bureau of Statistics, from January to November, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas reached 30,441.3 trillion yuan, down 4.9% year on
year. Rural retail sales of consumer goods were 4,7000.2 billion yuan, down 4.3 percent. Consumption in both urban and rural areas were significantly
affected by the epidemic. At present, the COVID-19 has lasted for one year, and has cast a shadow over daily production and consumption of the whole
society. However, after the symbolic gesture of Wuhanlifting its lockdown to signal that the pandemic is under control, both urban and rural consumption
has turned positive in August 2020 on a year-on-year growth basis, increasing by more than 4% and 5% respectively from October to November.
估计 2021 年后,2020 年令我们措手不及 的新冠疫情对社会整体消费水平造成的负面
以满足现实需要。2020 年 4 月 30 日,国家统计局公布了《2019 年农民工监测调查报告》,其中相关具体数据显示,2019 年农民工总量
达到 29077 万人,约为中国总人口的 1/7,且农村流动人口在城镇劳动力市场的人口比例高达 43%。虽然 2020 年 2 月份疫情高峰期城
镇调查失业率为 6.2%,之后随着疫情好转有所降低,但是目前我国的调查失业率是通过城镇劳动力情况抽样调查所取得,其中并不包
乡农民工超过 800 万人。如此规模数量庞大的农民工群体,就业不稳定,享有的社会保障不完善,自然在较大程度上限制了我国消费
It is estimated that after 2021, pandemic there is a high probability that the negative impact on overall consumption level of society will be gone, but
the “worries” of the people may still persist. Generally speaking, it is necessary to improve and perfect the social security and public service system
arrangements such as pension, medical care, education, etc., to reduce the people’s tendency to “preventative saving”. In recent years, the construction
of China’s social security system has played a certain role in alleviating poverty and regulating income distribution, but compared with many other
countries, the role of China’s social security in regulating income distribution is still quite limited. It is necessary to strengthen the top-level design and
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