Page 30 - CCFA Journal - 12th Issue
P. 30

Summer BBQ 协会烧烤                                 加中金融

    CCFA Wraps Up Summer with Annual Toronto BBQ Extravaganza

    抓住夏⽇尾声,CCFA 年度 BBQ 再掀⾼潮

    On September 10, the Canadian Chinese Financial Association (CCFA) hosted its eagerly awaited annual BBQ at E.T. Seton Park,
    joining forces with an array of esteemed partners.

    9⽉10⽇,CCFA携手多家兄弟协会,在多伦多中城的E.T.Seton Park开启了夏末狂欢派对!

    By 9 a.m., CCFA volunteers had already assembled at the venue, putting up banners and running through planned activities to
    ensure the day would unfold seamlessly. Guests began to arrive around 9:30 a.m., receiving a warm welcome from volunteers
    who handed out wristbands and raffle tickets to set the stage for the day's festivities.


    The event kicked off with a spirited icebreaker, where attendees with matching wristbands joined forces. Their mission? To hunt
    down a list of specific items within a given timeframe. The scavenger hunt featured everything from keys and business cards to
    bricks and golf balls, and lasted longer than anticipated due to the heated competition.


    After the icebreaker, representatives from various groups took to the stage. These included representatives from CCFA, CPMP,
    CPAC Enlighten, CCPAA, the University of Toronto Chinese Alumni Association, Canada-Jinhua No.1 High School Alumni, and Yinuo
    Fortune—the event's gift sponsor.

    破冰游戏后的致辞环节亦精彩纷呈:来⾃CCFA, CPMP, CPAC Enlight, CCPAA,多伦多大学华人校友会、加拿大金华㇐中

    CCFA President Emily Gu took the opportunity to discuss the association's growth, spotlight its official Xiaohongshu social media
    account—which this year features an "Interview Series with 100 Financial Industry Leaders"—and unveil upcoming programs like a
    VIP club for senior financial professionals. These initiatives captivated the audience.

                                          CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   November 2023
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