Page 47 - CCFA Journal - Sixth Issue
P. 47

加中金融                                           Quant Corner 数量分析

    The above conditions ensure that  (k  R )  0  for all k   . R    上述条件保证了对所有   ∈   , (k         R )   0 。请注意映
    Note  further  that  the  function  k   w (k ; R )    is  strictly   射是全实域严格凸的。以上关于 (k          R )的定义中,
    convex  on  the  whole  real  line.  From  the  definition  of
    w (k ,  ),                                                        增加  会产生所有方差加大,在垂直方向的上升
                                                                       增加  会产生看涨和看跌两翼的斜率上升,收紧波
         Increasing    increases the general level of variance, a       动率的微笑
           vertical translation of the smile;                          增加  会降低(或升高)左(或右)翼,产生波动
         Increasing    increases the slopes of both the put and         率微笑的逆时针旋转
           call wings, tightening the smile;                           增加  会造成波动率向右移动
         Increasing    decreases (increases) the slope of the left
           (right) wing, a counter-clockwise rotation of the           增加  会降低波动率微笑上平价期权的曲率
         Increasing    translates the smile to the right;        SVI 满足以下无投机条件:1)静态无投机,即不可能今
         Increasing    reduces the at-the-money (ATM)            天没有投资而明天预期回报为非零。2)日历无投机,即
           curvature of the smile.                                日历利差的成本为正。3)垂直无投机,即垂直方向的利
    SVI model stratifies the following arbitrage free conditions. 1)
    Static arbitrage free condition: static arbitrage free condition   3. 参数标定
    makes  it  impossible  to  invest  nothing  today  and  receive
    positive return tomorrow; 2) Calendar arbitrage free condition:   在此我们介绍 SVI 模型参数的标定,并提供数值范例。
    the cost of a calendar spread should be positive; 3) Vertical   在 SVI参数标定时,必须匹配到已知的隐含波动率。当然
    (spread) arbitrage free condition: The cost of a vertical spread
    should  be  positive;  4)  Horizontal  (butterfly)  arbitrage  free   有很多目标函数。我们选择 Gatheral 和 Jacquier (2014)的
    condition: The cost of a butterfly spread should be positive.   方 法 , 即 误 差 方 差 最 小 化 , 例 如 使 用 Levenberg-
                                                                  Marquardt 优化法来取得下述目标函数的最优解
    3. Parameter Calibration
    We introduce a calibration method for the parameters in the   err  min  W i ( i SVI    MarketImpl iedvol )
    SVI  model  and  then  presents  some  numerical  examples  to          i 1     model i
    demonstrate their accuracy  by  comparing them  with market         i                                       i
    data.                                                         其中   SVI  是 SVI 参数模型得到的隐含波动率,               BS 是观察
                                                                  到的 Black-Scholes 模型下的隐含波动率。
    To calibrate SVI parameters to observed implied volatilities,
    there are many  ways  of  defining  an objective function.  We   最后,我们可以用线性插值法或其它方法获得所有的到
    adopt  the  Gatheral  and  Jacquier  (2014)  approach  to  take  a   期时的 SVI 参数。
    square-root as an objective function. At each volatility slice the
    model  fits  the  implied  volatilities  using  a  Levenberg-
    Marquardt optimization routine with the following objective

    err  min  W i ( SVI    MarketImpl iedvol )               4. 数值计算范例
              i 1      model i
    where  SVI   is the implied volatility using SVI parametrization,   以 2015-08-30 的 SPX 期权报价为例。SPX 的即时价格是
    based on the i-th observation;   BS  is the implied volatility
    under  Black-Scholes  pricing  formula,  based  on  the  i-th
    observation. After we obtain the SVI parameters, we can build   表二是彭博社 SPX 的隐含波动率。分别表示在三个时间
    the implied volatility surface. In order to price the option in   点 T=0.136986, T=3.002739 和 T=6.002739 的不同的期权
    different time slices, we need to interpolate the SVI parameters.   执行价所对应的隐含波动率。
    Usually the linear interpolation is used.
                                                                  对上述目标函数采用 Levenberg-Marquardt 优化算法可以
    4. Numerical Examples
    We take SPX option quotes as an example as of 8/30/2015. The
    spot price for SPX is 1550, and the log-moneyness are listed in
    Table 1.
    The market implied volatilities for SPX from Bloomberg are
    listed in Table 2. The data for implied volatilities at the time
    slice T = 0.136986 are in the first and second rows; and the
    third and fourth rows are the data for implied volatilities at time
    slice T =3.002739; and fifth and sixth are the data for implied
    volatilities at time slice T =6.002739.

    Using the objective function above and Levenberg-Marquardt
    optimization routine, we obtained the following parameters in
    SVI model.

                                           CCFA JOURNAL OF FINANCE   February 2022
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