Page 10 - Tegra Employee Handbook_2019_FINAL
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Tegra is committed to an “Open Door” policy that allows
employees to resolve concerns regarding any aspect of
their employment with Tegra. Most problems can and
should be raised in a discussion with the employee’s
immediate supervisor. This is encouraged as a first effort
to effectively resolve the problem. However, if an employee
does not feel that the issue or concern can or should be
discussed with the immediate supervisor, he or she may
bypass the immediate supervisor and seek assistance
from any member of management, human resources or
employee relations. There will be no adverse action or
retaliation for using the “Open Door” policy.
To review a copy of the most current and full version of the
Company’s Good Faith Reporting policy, please refer to the
Company’s Business Ethics & Code of Conduct Policy.
Tegra is committed to being a responsible and law-abiding
member of the various communities in which Tegra does
business. Therefore, the Company adopted a separate
Business Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy (the Code
to guide the Company’s business practices with regard
to compliance with laws and maintenance of the highest
legal, ethical and financial reporting standards. It applies
equally to Tegra directors, as well as employees at all
levels. All Tegra officers and managers are responsible for
communicating and implementing the policies contained
in the Code within their specific areas of supervisory
responsibility. All employees receive a copy and training on
the Code during new hire onboarding. The Code is intended
to supplement the policies contained in this Handbook and
also provides a mechanism for raising any concern via our
Corporate Compliance Hotline.
10 © 2019, Tegra, LLC. All rights reserved