Page 10 - The Shoe Must Fit Footprint Analysys
P. 10
1. What is the average foot length to height ratio 5. What were the wear patterns that you found
for your group? most often on your examination of the castings?
Answers will vary. Answers will vary.
2. What is the average foot length to height ratio 6. What did you observe in the photographs?
for the entire class? Provide specific details about each shoe print
Answers will vary in the photographs.
Answers will vary.
3. Why are the ratios different from one
another? 7. Were the footprints from the outside and
The entire class is a larger sample, so the inside made from the same shoe?
R-value should be more accurate. No, they were not. This shows that at least two
people other than the victims were at the cabin.
4. Can you accurately predict height based on
foot or stride length? Why or why not? 8. What is your conclusion about the evidence
No, because it is not always an exact ratio. A shoe print and the suspected type and size of
short person could have large feet, and a tall shoe? Are they the same shoe?
person could have very small feet. Answers will vary.