Page 15 - The Shoe Must Fit Footprint Analysys
P. 15

hidden may be visualized. Care must be taken        film. The film is then placed over the impression
             by the crime teams not to disturb the evidence      where the charge causes the matter forming the
             left by the criminal. If enough time and effort is   impression to cling to the film. Prints can be lifted
             administered, most surfaces will surrender a print.  from almost any surface in this manner, including
                                                                 a human body. Very rarely are criminals careless
             When considering the vast variety of surfaces that   enough to leave prints made of mud. These
             yield prints, it has become necessary to develop    would require much effort from the crime scene
             multiple techniques to lift the prints with the least   technicians in lifting the prints.
             amount of distortion. Before the print is lifted,
             photography is an essential step of any crime       Depending upon the surface and location the
             scene investigation as it provides visual evidence   print was left, forensic investigators may have a
             of the original footprint. A photograph will depict   narrow window in which to lift the print. Prints left
             the footprint in relation to the crime scene, allowing   in blood may last for years, whereas prints left in
             investigators to view the complete scene after all of   water may evaporate, and prints made with sand
             the evidence has been collected. Three-dimensional   may be brushed away. Realizing this complication,
             footwear impressions are most often lifted by       many forensics experts do not take the time
             casting. Casting, or taking a mold of the impression,   required to properly gather prints. Prints from
             will provide a true-to-size physical model of the   police officers and others on the scene may mix
             print. When there is worry that the print might be   with the prints from the criminal complicating the
             disturbed by the pouring of the casting material,   process. If patience and care are executed, prints
             the surface is first prepped. For prints deposited in   that have been layered with the prints of others
             sand, forensic scientists will spray the print with an   at the crime scene may be lifted. Multiple prints
             aerosol glue or even aerosol hairspray. Water can be   may even be lifted at once with a gel lifter. Pages
             drawn away from the surface of a muddy print by     of gel are placed down gently on the surface and
             using a lab instrument called a pipette, followed by a   then numbered to retain their sequence. Additional
             hot air source, such a hair dryer. Once the print has   pages are then placed down and taped to other
             been prepped and a frame placed around the print,   pages. Forensics experts are then able to recreate
             the casting material is poured into the impression.  the footsteps at a remote location.

             Two-dimensional prints are found on surfaces such   A person interested in a forensics career in
             Two-dimensional prints are found on surfaces such   footprint analysis should seek a bachelor’s degree
             as glass, wood flooring, cardboard, or fabric and   from an accredited four-year college with a major
             may be lifted using a hydraulic press and gelatin   in criminalistics, chemistry, biology, or physics.
             lifters or electrostatic devices. Gelatin lifters are   To prepare for this, it is recommended that a high
             sheets of paper with a strong adhesive on one       school student should pursue classes with an
             side that lift the print from most surfaces. More   emphasis on sciences and mathematics. Traits
             porous surfaces, such as cardboard or fabric, would   of patience and perseverance also prove very
             require the use of a hydraulic press to push down   beneficial to someone interested in footprints
             on the gelatin and, thus, enable a print to be lifted   forensics. The American Academy of Forensic
             in clarity. Electrostatic devises are good for lifting   Sciences provides a website with a list of colleges
             prints from hard to access areas, such as carpeting,   and universities providing forensic degree
             wood, and fabric. The electrostatic device uses     programs. For more information, visit this website:
             a highvoltage power unit to charge a metallic

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