Page 11 - The Shoe Must Fit Footprint Analysys
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ootprints are found at approximately 40% As long as people have been walking, there have
of crime scenes. Second only to DNA as the been footprints. The world’s oldest footprint,
Fmost common evidence type found, footprints estimated to be over 3 million years old, was
are an excellent source of information because discovered in 2007 at Siwa Oasis in Egypt. The
each print is unique to the wearer. Footwear marks first recorded forensic use of footprints occurred
are particularly useful in crimes where proof of in the early 1800s in Warwick, England. In 1816, a
presence is incriminating. The terms shoe prints, young maidservant was discovered drowned in
foot prints, or footwear marks are interchangeable a shallow pool of water, and evidence discovered
and refer to two types of impressions left by a upon her body indicated that she had been
person’s footwear: positive and negative. A positive, violently assaulted. While investigating the damp
or two dimensional, impression is created by a ground around the pool of water, police discovered
person transferring matter, such as dust or blood, footprints and an impression of corduroy cloth
from their shoe to the surface they walk on. A with a patch sewn upon it. Bits of grain were found
negative, or three-dimensional, impression is surrounding the prints and lead police to a nearby
created when the shoe removes residue from the farm. Police examined the pants and shoes of a farm
surface it walks on, as would happen when a person laborer who was threshing wheat and discovered a
walked through mud or cement. match to the impressions found at the crime scene.