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                                                                                                October, 2020
                                           will  increase  your  odds  of
               STARTING                    success."  "Makes  sense,"  said        What is a life hack that you
            A BUSINESS?                    Kojo, still hesitant to accept my       think  everybody  should
                                           advice.  "Think  about  it,"  I         know?
                                           continued,  "getting  a  business       “Life  is  like  riding  a  bicycle”.
                                           o f f   t h e   g r o u n d   i s   v e r y    “To keep your balance, you must
                                           challenging.  If  you  need  to
                                           develop the skills that the new         keep  moving”.  This  quote  of
                                           venture  will  demand,  this  will      Albert Einstein provides a great
                                           q u i c k l y   b e c o m e   a   v e r y    life  lesson  to  all  of  us.  Many
                                           unpleasant journey."                    people  become  complacent
                                           "I  think  I  get  it,"  Kojo           once they have achieved their
                                           responded, "What you're saying          heart's desire like their chosen
                                           is that if I'm a 'shark,' I should      job,  life-partner,  children,
                                           seek for fish and stay within my        fame, position etc. They wish
                                           territory."                             to stop paddling their bicycle
                                                                                   in order to relax and soon they
                                           "Well,  that's  a  great  way  to       find  themselves  losing  their
                                           picture  this  lesson,"  I  said        balance  and  falling  on  the
                                           amazed  by  the  clarity  of  his       ground.
                                           analogy.  "Now,  I'm  not  saying       However,  it  is  important  to
                     Ato Tandoh            we shouldn't be sensitive to new        understand that no achievement,
             Managing Editor, The Noticeboard
                                           ideas  or  challenges,  I'm             however  great  it  may  be,  can
                   h a t   b u s i n e s s    hopefully  helping  you  narrow      fulfill  your  desire  for  long
                  should  I  start?        down your options." "So where           period,  just  like  no  amount  of
       WY e s t e r d a y   m y            should I start?" he asked.              food can satisfy your hunger for
       friend Kojo Kwarteng asked                                                  long period. Don't get surprised,
       me this question. "That's the       "Start  by  embracing  who  you         when  you  start  aspiring  for
       wrong  question!"  I  said,         are.  What  are  your  strengths?
       "Asking people around which         Identify  your  weaknesses.             something  else  once  you  have
       business  you  should  start        What  is  your  passion?  Your          achieved what you have desired
       could increase your chances         purpose?  Be  aware  of  your           at some point of your life.
       of  failure."  "Why?"  Kojo         financial  limitations.  Any            The  joy  of  life  comes  from
       asked. "Because you will be         location restrictions or technical      fulfillment  of  our  desires,  just
       forced  to  mold  yourself  into    abilities  required?  Will  you         like the joy of eating comes from
       the business idea I suggest,"       consider  partners?  Who  can           the fulfillment of our hunger.
       I said.                             they be?"                                ·     If  you  don't  feel
                                                                                        hunger, you can't have
       "What  do  you  mean,  Ato?"        "That's  a  long  list!"  Kojo  said         the joy of eating.
       "Kojo,  we  all  have  unique       surprised.  "It's  not  easy.  Be        ·     If  you  don't  have
       gifts.  You  should  start  a       patient,  and  most  importantly             desires, you can't have
       business  where  you  can           be  aware  of  your  emotions.  If           the joy of living.
       maximize  those  talents.           you  have  the  entrepreneurial         The greatest service to the world
       Operating on your strengths         spirit,  it  will  influence  your      is done when we strive hard to
                                           f e e l i n g s .   M a k e   r a t i o n a l    fulfill  our  desires  because  our
                                           decisions, not impulsive ones."         desires are not only of own, but
                                           Good luck!!!                            also are the desires of the world.
                                                                                   We get connected with the world
                                                                                   when  we  seek  to  fulfill  our
                                                 Please call us if                 desires.  We  must,  therefore,

                                                                                   never  stop  desiring  in  our  life
                                                  you want your                    and  never  stop  seeking  the
                                                                                   fulfillment of our desire. In the
                                               business featured                   constant  striving  for  the
                                                                                   fulfillment of our desires lies the
                                                         here.                     secret of our happiness and the
                                                                                   betterment of the world.
                                                  020 8131656
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