Page 33 - KFTL Report
P. 33
KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
7.2.17 Panzer Belt
a) The Panzer belt protecting the HV cable and its storage groove is worn, frayed and perishing along its edges due to old age.
b) There is no great urgency, but this device should be replaced where required in section over the next couple of years.
7.2.18 Slip Ring Box
a) The HV cable slip ring boxes do not appear to be fully waterproof. They are protected against access by a simple padlock.
b) Urgent consideration should be given to have industry standard HV interlocks with the use of a captive key system such as the ones provided by Kirk, or Castell. This system will allow the secure opening of the HV slip ring box only when the HV power has been isolated in the sub-station.
c) This work should be implemented as a matter of high priority.
7.2.19 Electrical Cabinets
The condition of many electrical cabinets throughout the cranes is in general poor. Many of the switches and indicator lights on outside of the panels are badly corroded. The condition of the wiring is in very bad state, making it far more difficult than necessary when trouble shooting.
A program to replace all corroded junction boxes and cabinets, as well as switches and indicator lights should be planned; replacement of those components should be implemented over the coming 12 to 24 months.
7.2.20 Trolley Rails
a) The ZPMC design in the area of the short rail has been sub-standard for many years. KFTL is suffering from this weakness, which can be damaging to other parts of the crane such as trolley wheels and reducers on self-propelled trolley. This has a substantial impact on the crane operators when handling loaded containers, being the source of constant complaints.