Page 55 - KFTL Report
P. 55

 KFTL DUE DILIGENCE – Kingston, Jamaica
    Trim List Skew - Implement comprehensive repair/ replacement program on all QC’s.
      Est. $65K (say 10 QC’s)
QC Trolley Short Rails – replace short rails using Trent’s factory approved design and methodology and the superior BIMO short rail.
[Trent has campaigned for an improved short rail design on ZPMC QC’s and in the last 2 years has been successful in having them adopt our proven method. We can offer a turn-key solution for these works]
    Est. $750K (say 10 QC’s)
 Storm Pin Linkages - re-instate all pin down and storm pin linkages/ systems.
     Est. $50K
    HV Cable Reel Diverter Unit - Implement comprehensive repair/ replacement program on all QC’s
      Est $175K
   QC Electrical Bypasses – Recommission all QC’s – identify and remove all bypasses as possible – record all those that are unable to be removed – and document action plan required in order to have them removed.
[Trent will place QC commissioning expert on-site to perform re- commissioning of all QC’s – excluding the 6 refurbished units]
    Est. $425K (say 8 QC’s)
Structural Inspections – Perform structural inspections on all QC’s – deliver Structural Inspection Manual (SIM) and Level 1 Inspector Training Program.
[Trent has a globally proven methodology for structural inspections of all crane types, but with particular knowledge and experience on ZPMC cranes. Our proven method will deliver a crane specific structural maintenance manual (SIM)that can be easily implemented in to KFTL maintenance processes and deliver inspector training through our own PhD qualified, and ex QC designer, Inspector]
   Est. $140K (all 14 QC’s)
    Boom Hoist Ropes – Replace boom hoist ropes and thoroughly inspect those not replaced.
      Replacement in progress by KFTL
Corrosion West Berth QC’s - Implement comprehensive repair/ replacement program on all West Berth QC’s to address corroded items, failed electrical boxes/ conduits and failed gantry brake units.
Design and implement a protective screening device(s).
  Partially in progress by KFTL
 Review and amend maintenance program and strategy to deal with excessive corrosion on West Berth cranes due to prevailing winds in harbour and salt spray on to cranes.
     KFTL to action.
    Panzer Belt – Replace corroded and/ or damaged Panzer belt where necessary.
      Est. $75K
   Electrical Cabinets/ Switches – Implement robust corrective program to replace dammed, corroded cabinets, warning lights and switches.
   Est. $250K (all 14 QC’s)
   Rail Span Issue South Berth – design fix to correct ZPMC QC
rail span issue and implement.
[Trent QC specialist can perform both the design and if/ as required implement the solution]
   Est. $165K (4 affected QC’s)
        Est. USD$ 8.52 Million

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