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seen without considering the relationship   open”.  This chronicle also tells us              to shake their heads at the violence   whereas Iskandar Muda was portrayed
                                   between Sulu (as the female “provider”)   that the king often prayed in the Haram             committed by Iskandar Muda (1607-1636)   as a religious scholar who opposed
                                   and other Malay world (Raja Baginda)    Mosque in Mecca. The Babad Nitik                      against anyone attempting to challenge   wujudiyah monistic thinking. The result of
                                   and the center of Islam (Abu Bakr, who   Sultan Agung says that this great king               his rule.  But for Nuruddin al-Raniri, the   this difference is clearly reflected in the
                                   was also a descendant of the Prophet). 69  beat Minangkabau and Palembang                     author of the Bustanus Salatin, the sultan   construction of political traditions.
                                   Although the validity of their foundations   by using his magical power and that              was no less than the defender of religion,   The 17  century was the era of the rise
                                   differed, the Islamic power centers in   he Islamized the royal families of both              and the upholder of the law and religious   of exemplary kings: bold, just, and wise.
                                   Southeast Asia share some important     kingdoms.  Indeed, these things cannot                morality. His conquests were not to    They were always well remembered in
                                   similarities. All of their great kings   be validated by historical proof, and the            increase his power. The event took place   the collective memory and in tradition
                                   are remembered and portrayed as         myth will simply disappear because                    because of the will of God over the fate   as the defenders of and the fighters for
                                   conquerors and the unifiers of their    of the lack of historical backing to                  of mankind.  Iskandar Muda, according   religion and even though they failed, they
                                   kingdom, defenders of religion, and     substantiate it. Indeed, Sultan Agung,                to the Adat Aceh (from the 18  century)   are remembered as such nonetheless
                                   monopoly holders of power, and wielding   not only expanded the kingdom of                    laid the basis of the law in Aceh.  He   Such was the attitude towards Sultan
                                   supreme religious authority. Whatever   Mataram by vindicating the political and              combined several villages into a larger   Hasanuddin of Gowa, the “rooster from
                                   its motive, something Berg suspected    trade centers on the coast, but also by               residential units, which were centered on   the east” (in Speelman’s phrase, now
                                   as being due to the failure of the ruler   making himself the Khalifatullah Sayidin           a mosque. In accordance to the Shafi’i   used as the symbol of the Gowa district).
                                   of Mataram to defeat conquer Batavia,    Panatagama, the “representative of God               school of jurisprudence the construction   Similarly, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (1651-
                                   it is clear that Sultan Agung was the   and the regulator of religion.” He was                of a mosque was justified if it had forty   1683) had to meet the attacks of the VOC
                                   king who initiated the process of the   the Panembahan, the local ruler, who                  congregated people. Thus, the social   that conspired with the crown prince. Or
                                   institutionalization of Islam into Javanese   had become susuhunan--- the title that,         organization of the kingdom followed   Sultan Baabullah (1570-1583) of Ternate,
                                   tradition. But not only because his name   before him, had only been carried by the           worship regulations.                   who, albeit briefly, managed to avenge
                                   lived on in the Babad Tanah Jawi. He    saints--- and the Sultan, the Muslim ruler            In this way, history (in the empirical   the betrayal of the Portuguese who had
                                   is told to have had two palaces, one in   of an empire. The Dutch report also tells           sense) and myth (as something that is
                                   the Southern Ocean and one in Kota      how the sultan forced Dutch prisoners to                                                     killed his father, Sultan Khairun (1570).
                                   Gede. The Southern Ocean palace is      convert to Islam. 73                                  considered true) mutually reinforced the   In the history of the Manguindanao
                                   the ---mythological--- abode where he                                                         ruler’s claim as the “one in authority” or   Sultanates’ struggle against Spanish
                                   lived with Nyai Roro Kidul, the perennial   Beaulieu, the French admiral, and                 the “crown of the universe”. What differed   occupation, Sultan Muhammad Dipatuan
                                   spouse of the Mataram rulers. Kota      other European witnesses were forced                  was that Sultan Agung’s mythical style   Qudarat (1619-1671) is the king most
                                   Gede, in its turn is real and, according   71.  De Graaf, 1986.                               represented kejawen mystical thought,   remembered. When he ruled, the
                                   to historical observations made by a    72.  Quoted by Moedjanto, 1986: 62-63. Of course,     74.  Lombard, 1981: 35-64. For another foreign   competing sultanates in Manguindanao
                                   Dutch rapporteur was “spacious and      this story is merely a myth. On the Islamization of   report on the reign of the authoritarian Iskandar   accepted him as a unifier. But more than
                                                                           Palembang, see Abdullah, 1987: 201-204, and on        Muda, see Reid.
                                   69.  Majul, 1973: 6-7.                  Minangkabau, see Abdullah, 1966.                      75.  Iskandar (ed.)                    that, he was also a brave warrior. He
                                   70.  Berg, 1955.                        73.  De Graaf, 1986: 107-108.                         76.  Drewes & Voorhoeve, 1958.         also revived the spirit of his neighbors,

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