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It is also assumed that some members    orthodox Muslims would probably find                  lā ‘adda ma‘a zuhūrihi wa tajallīhi bi al-  Something different took place in
                                   of the jama’at al-Jawiyyin visited Aceh   them acceptable.                                    shakli wa al-haddi wa ‘adami tagayyurihi   Java. The seed of heterodoxy that had
                                   to meet Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i.        A good example in this context                        ‘ammā kāna...” Thus, he omitted the    spread in Java in the 18th and 19th
                                   The latter then showed his interest as   isal-Falimbani’s al-Mulakhkhas li al-                introductory phrase “wa inna dhālika al-  centuries were partly contributed to the
                                   he might had highly appreciated the     Tuhfah, which is a Malay translation                  wujūd” and provided several alternative   introduction of the mystical martabat
                                   book of al-Burhanpuri. Al-Sumatra’i     of the al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah.                         wordings, but the substance remains    tujuh and wahdat al-wujud doctrines.
                                   is known to have beenthe first Malay    However, al-Falimbani seems to have                   the same. Beside, al-Falimbani also    There is, however, no written evidence
                                   Sufi who disseminated al-Tuhfah al-     “accommodated” the original text as                   omitted the first paragraph of the original   that the spread of the martabat pitu and
                                   Mursalah’snotions of the martabat tujuh   he did not make a literal translation but           text substituted by his own introductory   manunggaling kawula Gusti notions had
                                   and the wahdat al-wujud.                                                                      remarks .                              incite dantagonism between orthodox
                                                                           made significant changes by his choice
                                   As stated above, al-Sumatra’i wrote the   of specific words and his arrangement               Several hypotheses may explain why     and heterodox factions in Java with
                                   Jawhar al-Haqa’iq (the Substance of     of the syntax of the Arabic text. He                  al-Falimbani did what he had done      reference to the same notions in al-
                                   Realities) in Arabic and it is acknowledged   substituted verbs in the original, for          with the al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah. As     Tuhfah al-Mursalah. However, it is clear
                                   as the highest intellectual achievement   example, with nouns and he divided up               explicated above, this book had incited   that al-Tauhfah al-Mursalah was well
                                   ever made by a Muslim from the          long sentences into simpler and shorter               tension and was vehemently rejected    known in Java.
                                   Indonesian archipelago.  It presents    ones. This means that al-Falimbani                    by orthodox Muslims in Aceh. As a      An indication of this probable popularity
                                   al-Sumatra’i’s profound analyses of     reshaped the original text. It is as if he            consequence, al-Falimbani was forced   is the discovery of a translation of al-
                                   the mystical concept of existential     “translated” the text from Arabic into                to “modify” the text and totranslate it   Tuhfah al-Mursalahin the shape of a
                                   monism (wahdat al-wujud) and also       a kind ofArabic that was much easier                  into Malay to make it easier for orthodox   Javanese poem (macapat). A.H. Johns
                                   offers a description of God through His   to follow than that of the original text.           laymen to understand. As a matter of   conducted research on this Javanese
                                   divineAttributes and His Finest Names.  Nevertheless , its substance and its                  fact, al-Falimbani was never accused   version and demonstrated how close the
                                                                                                                                 of committing heresy, even though he
                                   In fact, al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah’s impact   systematic arrangement remained similar             enclosed the mystical doctrine of the   composer of the poem had remained
                                   went beyond al-Sumatra’i and other      to the original text .                                seven lofty stagesin his masterpiece,   with the original text while he the poet
                                   Acehnese Sufis. It was also adopted,    A.H. Johns gave the following example,                Siyar al-Salikin, as they had been     also referred to several other copies of
                                   accommodated, and reinterpreted         “wa inna dhalika al-wujūd laysa lahu                  taught by al-Burhanpuri in his al-Tuhfah   the text.
                                   by Sufis from other regions in the      shaykhun wa lā haddun wa lā hasrun wa                 al-Mursalahand by al-Sumatra’i in his   In addition, a translation of a commentary
                                   archipelago who believed that the       ma’a hādhā zahara wa tajallā bi al-shakli             Jawhar al-Haqa’iq. After all, same ‘seed’   on al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah has also been
                                   mystical notions in the book posed no   wa al-haddi wa lam yatagayyar ‘ammā                   would not have resulted into a completely   found in Java . The book is entitled al-
                                   problems. They only thought that these   kāna min ‘adami al-shakli wa ‘adami                  similar fruit, had it been planted in a   Mawahib al-Mustarsalah ‘ala al-Tuhfah
                                   notions needed to be more profoundly    al-haddi...” According to Johns, this part            different place and time. Such may be   (Various Kinds of Gifts Related to the
                                   explained and interpreted after which   was rewritten by al-Falimbani into: “...lā            inferred from al-Falimbani, were he taken   Tuhfah) and several manuscripts are
                                   31. Johns, “Reflections...”, p. 152.    shakla lahū wa lā hadda wa lā hasra wa                as an example.                         32. Johns, The Gift Addressed…, p. 13-20.

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