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Al-Munir, the reform   at explaining the Quran practically to a   encouraged ulama to involve themselves   It should also be added that apart from   had studied these tools and facilities   Mepsi magazine No.3
 magazine for youths in   wide audience of readers, wider than that   in all attempts to create the conditions   the two articles discussed above, al-  together with Abduh and Rida’s other   issued on May 20, 1935.
 West Sumatra which   which could be reached in the medieval   the Muslims needed to advance in the   Imam’s edition of May 1907 published   reformist ideas. One of these modern   Mepsi (abbreviated from
 continued the role and   period of tafsir the products of which   contemporaneous world. For al-Imam,   the Malay translation of an article of the   aspects was the use of magazines and   Madjlis Ekonomi PSII/the
 the spirit of al-Imam,   were mostly discussed in pesantrens.  the clerical role that traditionally centered   Egyptian nationalist Mustafa Kamil, al-  newspapers in the Islamic reformist   Economic Assembly of
 which was published in   on Islamic education “must be expanded   shams al-mushriqa,  entitled “Matahari   movement. The printing press, which the   the PSII) was an internal
 Singapore in 1911.   Besides tafsir, al-Imam also published   to include all efforts dealing with worldly   Memancar” (lit. Shining Sun).  Also, in   Muslim community had initially rejected   magazine of the PSII
 articles on other subjects, for instance
 Source: National Library   a translated version of a work titled   affairs, in order that they may offer their   the special column on fatwa (question &   because it was seen as using a secular   that not only discussed
 of Indonesia.  “Ilmu dan Ulama” (lit. knowledge and   benefits for wider society.” 13  answer) the editor of al-Imam cited many   means to spread the sacred teachings of   the finances of the
 the knowers) by the Egyptian cleric,   As in the case of tafsir, through “Ilmu   quotations from al-Manar. To mention   Islam, had become an inseparable part   organization, but also
                                                                                            economic problems in
 Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-  dan Ulama” al-Imam underlined that   just one example, al-Imam followed al-  of the reform movement in the Muslim   society.
 Ahmadi. This article was published in   the transfer of religious knowledge   Manar in its response to a fatwa request   world. Just like for Muslims in South
                                                 and Central Asia, printing machines had
 al-Imam, July edition 1908. Similarly to   was the main factor in supporting the   (istifta) about the Sufi Naqsabandiyah   turned into one of the main elements in   Source: National Library
 Abduh’s Quranic interpretation, al-Imam   advancement of the Muslims. Expanding   brotherhood in which al-Imam asserted:   the growth of Islamic reformism. 18  of Indonesia.
 mentioned the source of the article as   knowledge was one of al-Imam’s   “as explained by our colleague, al-Manar
 follow:  main concerns. In the editorial of its   magazine in Egypt, the practices of a   Al-Imam created the space for
          Muslim brotherhood must be based on
 This article (Ilmu dan Ulama) is a   first edition, al-Imam underlined the   the sharia.” Al-Imam then underlined that   the growth of Islamic print culture
                                                 in Southeast Asia. It initiated the
 translation of the work by Sheikh   importance of knowledge, as “a weapon   “there is no doubt about al-Manar’s legal   emergence of a new face of Islam and
 Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Ahmadi,   to attain victory in the battle field of life;   explanation in this matter.” 17  of the Muslim “reformists” leaders and
 a leading Egyptian cleric at al-Azhar.   it is the connecting factor that leads   simultaneously also identified a new
 We publish this article in al-Imam in   many people to their glorious goal and   Introducing Printed Culture and   style of leadership different from that
 installments so that the readers of al-  supremacy.  At the same time, al-  Modernity  of the traditional ulamas in Javanese
 Imam may know the nature, position,   Imam pointed out backwardness of the   The examples presented above show   pesantrens and Malay suraus and in
 and endeavors of this religious   Muslims in Southeast Asia because of   that al-Imam played an important role in   the use of their books. Because of the
 scholar. 12  their laziness in acquiring knowledge. It   connecting Cairo reformism and Muslims   formation of a Southeast Asian modern
 As appears from its title, “Ilmu dan   was in this context that the publication   in Southeast Asia. Thaher Djalaluddin   social order, the traditional ulamas
 Ulama’” discusses the essence of   of al-Imam’s “Ilmu dan Ulama” gained   was responsible for this connection.   were no longer considered as the sole
 the ulamas as sources of religious   its socio-religious significance. It was   Moreover, al-Imam also initiated the   authorities in religious matters and
 authority in the Islamic tradition. Apart   one of al-Imam’s reform strategies in   emergence of a new kind of Islamic   who, up to then, had monopolized the
 from illustrating the traditional roles of   Southeast Asia, and, as in the case of   intellectual tradition by starting to use   formulation of Islamic thought. New
 ulama in teaching religious subjects   its publications on tafsir, al-Imam took a   modern tools and facilities. The Jawi-  Muslim leaders, the writers of magazine
 to Muslims, al-Imam also strongly   scholar from Cairo as its source.  Makkah community in Cairo like Thaher   and newspaper articles, began to

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