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reemphasized these goals in response   than blindly replicate Islamic doctrines. 29  discussed in al-Munir based on Rashid   relation between triggering certain body   The booth of the
 to the increasing number of people   Like al-Imam, references to al-Manar   Rida’s answer in al-Manar. In an edition   parts and the character or nature of   publisher Mizan in
 who were against its publication, that   are also found in al-Munir. One of the   of the same year (no. 17, 1911), al-Munir   certain people as well as their future life.   2014 at the Indonesia
 was “to gain the essential religious   best examples is the one about a fatwa   issued a fatwa with the same substance   Therefore, like the dress issue, al-Munir   International Book Fair.
 knowledge and to constitute the true   on ways of dress. This legal decree is   as that of al-Manar, stating that Islam   referred to al-Manar as its source for   This event was first held
 sharia of the Prophet Muhammad by   important because it proves that there   does not prescribe specific ways of   issuing a fatwa and this clearly indicates   in 2006 in Jakarta.
 way of supporting to revive the Prophet’s   was a transmission of fatwas from al-  dress, except for ihram ritual during   its active participation in disseminating   Source: Directorate of
 tradition and to condemn heresy found   Manar to al-Munir, but also because   the hajj or the umrah. Moreover, even   Islamic reformism into West Sumatra and   History and Cultural
 within the practices of the Muslims’   it indicates that a dialogue took place   if they did not wear that particular attire   the Netherlands Indies in general.  Values, Ministry of
 worship”. Al-Munir explained that its   between the two magazines as long as   during ihram, they would still not be   Education and Culture
 goal was to ensure that Islamic worship   there had been requests for fatwas to   considered unbelievers. In this example,   The evidence of the disseminating of   of the Republic of
 would be performed on the basis of the   al-Manar. 30  al-Munir, like al-Imam adopted al-Manar   Islam from al-Manar to al-Munir and al-  Indonesia.
 main sources of Islamic teachings: the   in Cairo as the basis for its fatwas on   Imam clearly indicates the crucial role of
 Quran, the Prophetic tradition, and the   In 1911 Al-Manar (14) published the   these disputed religious matters in West   publications in transmitting Islamic reform
 traditions of the Prophet’s companions.   questions posed by Abdullah Ahmad, the   Sumatra. Abdullah Ahmad acknowledged   in the regions mentioned above. These
 These three were the basic foundations   editor of al-Munir, who requested fatwas   that the fatwas of “the Egyptian scholars   magazines provided effective channels
 in solving religious disputes and   on various disputed matters, two of   [...] and their magazine” were the sources   for Cairo-based Islamic reformism which
 discrepancies. 28  which about Islamic ways of dress.  He   for the fatwas in al-Munir.  had important consequences for the
 asked whether it was legal for Muslims          Muslims of the then Netherlands Indies.
 Like al-Imam, al-Munir focused on the   Al-Munir’s use of al-Manar is also evident   These magazines also supported the
 religious problems the Southeast Asian   to wear European dress, like a hat and a   in another fatwa on propelling some body   growth of new Muslims, the reformists,
 Muslims might face. The magazine also   tie, or whether they should be expelled   parts as an indication on something that   and supplied a strong ideological basis
 participated in portraying Islam in a way   from Islam when they did. He asked this   might happen in the future of one’s life.
 that suited modern society and supported   because a local alim in West Sumatra   This question was posed by Mahmud   for the Islamic reform movement and by
 progress. Consequently, traditional   had issued a legal opinion  saying that   bin Sheikh Muhammad Idris from   so doing contributed to their increasing
 wearing European dress was forbidden
                                                 impacts within the Indonesian Muslim
 religious practices were considered to   Tilatang, Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatera.    th  34
 have polluted Islam because of their pre-  based on the Prophetic hadith that says   The answer was given in the next   community in the early 20  century.  As
 Islamic local customs. Al-Munir stressed   “whoever imitates a group of people, he   issue (al-Munir 3, No. 13, 1913), which   a result, Islamic reform ideas started to
 that religious beliefs and practices should   or she would be part of them.” Abdullah   quoted various statements published in   become a main discourse in society.
 be cleansed from impurities. For that   Ahmad inquired about the essential truth   al-Manar. The editor wrote, “Al-Munir’s   Books as Reform Movement
 reason that Muslims were urged to return   of this Prophetic saying and what was   priority is to give the same answer as
 to the Quran and Hadith and they had   meant by “imitation” (tasyabbuh).  al-Manar had published on the same   With the appearance of al-Imam in
 to resort to legal exercises in order to   Abdullah Ahmad based his fatwa on a   issue”. Again, by following al-Manar,   Singapore (1905-1909), and al-Munir
 understand these holy sources rather   similar issue of apparel that had been   the magazine stated that there was no   in Padang (1911-1916)  the Islamic

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