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Booth of the publisher   B.J. Boland made an effort to look at   and 1957 respectively; Undang-Undang                  consisted of reprints of works published   1967 reprinted 1992) (Jakarta: Pustaka
          Amzah in 2014 at the     the publication of Islamic books in the   Politik Islam, a translation of a work by           before independence. Islamic books after   Panjimas).  Another prominent
          Indonesia International   post-independence period. In his eyes,   Muhammad Asad, published in 1954                    independence mostly consisted of books   Muhammadiyah leader, K.H. Mas
          Book Fair. This publisher   between 1945 and 1955, Muslim leaders   in Jakarta; Soal Agama dalam Negara                published by reformist organizations   Mansoer (1896-1946) chaired the
          is a special division    were mostly concerned with and spent    Modern, written by Abu Hanifah and                    such as the Muhammadiyah and Persis    Muhammadiyah central board in 1937
          of the Bumi Aksara       their energy in politics; hence, most   published in Jakarta in 1949.                         and written by their leaders. At that time,   and he wrote Risalah Tauhid dan Sjirik
          publisher tasked to      Islamic publications written in Indonesian                                                    these Islamic organizations did not yet   (1949) and Himpunan Putusan Tardjih
          promote books on         at that period dealt with politics.     Besides, Boland’s note reveals efforts                own their own publications departments.  Muhammadijah, which had initially been
          Islamic themes.                                                  that supported the formation of an                                                           written in 1929. Djarnawi Hadikusumo,
                                   Boland offered several examples of      Islamic state. This appeared in books like            The book Sual-Djawab by Persis figure
          Source: Directorate of   books on religious politics, though     Konsepsi Tatanegara Islam, written by                 Ahmad Hassan,  was first printed in    another important Muhammadiyah
          History and Cultural     regrettably, he did not give the name   Zainal Abidin Ahmad and published 1949                1931 and reprinted in 1957-1958 (Bangil:   leader, wrote Muhammadijah Ahlus
          Values, Ministry of      of their publishers for any of the books   in Jakarta; Analyse: Mungkinkah Negara             Persatuan Islam Bagian Pustaka).       Sunnah wal-Djama’ah? (Nd) which was
          Education and Culture    he presented. They included titles like   Indonesia Bersendikan Islam?, written               Another of his books, At-Tauhid, was   reprinted under the different title Ahlus
          of the Republic of       Tuntunan Perang Sabil, written at the   by M.Sj. Ibnu Amatillah and published                 reprinted in 1958 (Bangil: Persatuan   Sunnah wal-Jama’ah: Bid’ah Khurafat in
          Indonesia.               end of 1945 by Moh. Arsjad Thalib       1950 in Semarang; and Dasar-Dasar                     Islam Bahagian Pustaka). Another Persis   1996 (Yogyakarta: Persatuan).
                                   Lubis in Medan; Islam dengan Politik,   Pemerintahan Islam, written by Muhd.                  figure was Moenawar Chalil (1908-1961)   It appears from the titles of the books
                                   written by Aziz Thaib and published     Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy published 1950 in                 who had been appointed the chairman of   mentioned above it appears that books
                                   in Bukit Tinggi (no date, but according   Medan. 43                                           the Majelis Ulama Persis (Persis Ulama   published during the suided democracy
                                   to Boland published around the end                                                            Council) and member of the Majelis     period concerned theology by way
                                   of 1946); Revolusi Agama, written       However, it should be noted that                      Tarjih Muhammadiyah. He wrote a book   of Quranic understanding and aimed
                                   by Hamka in 1946 and published in       Indonesian mainstream Islam during the                on the concept of the people of traditions   to strengthen reformist ideas and
                                   Jakarta (reprinted in 1949); Falsafah   Sukarno is guided democracy period                    (ahlus sunnah) Kembali Kepada Al-      ideology. They were mostly published
                                   Perdjuangan Islam, written by Muh.      was a continuation of Islam as it was in              Quran dan as-Sunnah (first published in   by the organizations themselves or
                                   Isa Anshary in 1949 and published in    the beginning of the 20  century. In this             1956 and reprinted in 1991). 45        by other publishers that belonged
                                   Bandung; Islam sebagai Ideologi, written   period, Islam in Indonesia was divided in                                                 to reformist organizations. As a
                                   by Mohammad Natsir (no date, but        two: traditional and reformist, which were            An important member of the             result, up to the end of the 1960s a
                                   according to Boland probably published   represented by the Nahdlatul Ulama                   Muhammadiyah central board from        clear separation among the Muslim
                                   in 1950); Capita Selecta, two volumes,   (NU, traditional), and Muhammadiyah                  1953 to 1971 was Abdul Malik Karim     community between traditionalists
                                   also by Mohammad Natsir (the first part   and Persis (reformist) respectively.                Amrullah (Hamka). He wrote Peladjaran   and modernists (reformists), along
                                   comprising of articles written before 1941   This division had become increasingly            Agama Islam (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang,   with their organizations, the NU or the
                                   and the second part consisting of articles   apparent and remained so up to the end           1956), 1001 Soal-Soal Hidup (Jakarta:   Muhammadiyah could clearly be seen.
                                   and speeches written between 1950-      of the 1960s. Because of this, Islamic                Bulan Bintang, 1961), and Tafsir Al-
                                   1955) published in Bandung in 1954      books and other printed media partly                  Azhar (Jakarta: Pembimbing Masa,       Book Publishing as a Religious

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