P. 302
One of the books reformist movement in Indonesia by Ockeleon gives a clear picture: In Sayings and Expressions by Siradjuddin Pintoe Soerga (1914), and Titian A book published
published by Mizan in started to be increasingly active in the beginning of the 20 century were ‘Abbas, 1934) 40 kesoerga serta Kitab oetsoeloeddin by LP3ES entitled
2007. publishing Islamic books, in addition not many Islamic books were published Second, Islamic legal literature like (1916). Meanwhile books directly Pergolakan Pemikiran
Source: Directorate of to journals and newspapers. The but the most important thing was that Kitab salat (The book of prayers by concerned with Sufism included Tasaoef Islam: Catatan Harian
History and Cultural Muhammadiyah (founded in 1912) they concentrated on all the Islamic Abu Dardari, 1926), Zakatoel Fitri dalam agama Islam (Sjarafoe’ddin Ahmad Wahib (Upheaval
Values, Ministry of started to publish various magazines disciplines found in the classical literature (by Sayid Oemar bin Alaoei Alatas Maneri, 1916), and Ilmoe Rohani of Islamic Thinking:
Education and Culture including Bintang Islam (1923), Bendera of the traditional Islamic institutions, 1925); Bab Djinajah (Soeharti binti M. (Sjihaboeddin Effendi Idris, 1930). Notes from the Diary of
of the Republic of Islam (1924), al-Kirom (1928), Adil especially pesantren. In Ockeleon’s Ihsan), Boekoe aosan solat kangge In addition there were works concerning Ahmad Wahib).
Indonesia. (1932), Pantjaran Amal (1936), Ichtiyar study, a number of Islamic books moerangkalih sareng anoe nembe hadith, such as Hadits Tardjamah Source: Directorate of
(1937), besides newspapers like Al- are classified in accordance with the beladjar salat (in Sundanese) (Persatuan Melajoe (Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin History and Cultural
Chair (1926) in Surakarta, Soengoenting scientific disciplines as found in classical Islam, 1935), and several books written Ismail al-Bukhari, 1936) and Boekoe Values, Ministry of
Moehammadijah (1927-1929) in books. 39 by A. Hassan like Al-Boerhan (1992), Ahadits al-Nabawiyah (Abi Haiban, Education and Culture
Yogyakarta, and Swara Islam (1931- The first were works on Arabic such Kitab Fiqh al-Boerhan (1928), and 1922), which was very well-known within of the Republic of
1933) in Semarang. 36 as Djalan ke Qoeran, Pengadjaran Pengadjaran salat (1929). the pesantren communities at the time. 42 Indonesia.
Persatuan Islam (Persis) started to Bahasa Arab dan Nahwoenja (lit. The The early 20 century also marked the Ockeleon also lists other books on similar
publish its own Islamic publications that path towards the Quran, the teaching of flourishing of Quranic commentaries. In themes as those explicated in magazines
contributed to the spread of their ideas in Arabic and its grammar by A.D. Haanie, addition to the Quranic commentary by and newspapers proving the increasing
the magazine Pembela Islam (1929), al- 1936), Pengadjaran bahasa Arab & Muhammad Abduh, there were others role of publications in presenting Islam to
Fatwa (1931), and Sual-Djawab (1930s). Grammaticanja, (The teaching of Arabic written by Muslim scholars such as, Al- Muslim audiences in Indonesian urban
So did Sarekat Islam which, after its and its grammar by A.D. Haanie and Boerhan: Mentapsirkan doea poeloeh areas. They began to emerge as the
establishment published its magazines Moehammad Farid Wadjdi, 1931), Kitab doea soerat dari pada al-Qoeran (1930), principal sources of religious information
Hindia Serikat (1913), Al-Islam, Simpaj, akan beladjar membatja dan menoelis Boekoe tafsir soerat ichlas (1928), and for Indonesian urban Muslims much
and Sarotomo (1916) apart from several toelisan Arab diterangkan dengan Tafsir al-Foerqan (1928), which was as classical religious literature had
daily newspapers such as Oetoesan bahasa Melajoe hoeroef Woelanda, (A translated into Sundanese in 1930. 41 done in the generally traditional Muslim
Hindia, Pantjaran Warta, Sinar Djawa (all book about learning how to read and to Another flourishing category was the communities in pesantren and surau.
in operation since 1913), Neratja (1916), write Arabic script explained in Malay- works on Islamic theology and Sufism. These publications thus contributed to
Sinar Hindia (1924), and Hindia Baroe Latin script by Achmad bin Abdullah In addition to al-Ghazali’s Ihya Ulum al- the creation of a new Muslim community
(1924). Assagaff, 1918), Kamoes Arab-Melajoe
(Dictonary of Arab Malay Fadloe’llah Din there were also works by H.A. Malik with religious ideas and practices that
The important roles these magazines Moehammad and B. Th. Brongeest), and Karim Amroellah like Arkanoe ‘l-iman differed from those of traditional Muslims
and periodicals played were Himpoenan Peribahasa Inggris, Belanda, dengan djalan soal-djawab (1933) and in pesantren. Here, the Islamic reform
strengthened by the publications of Arab dan Minangkabau (A collection of Sendi Iman Tiang Selamat (1930). Other movement was a stronghold for the
Islamic books. The findings of a study English, Dutch, Arab, and Minangkabau’s were Ilmoe Sedjati (1910), Pemboeka urban Muslim community.
292 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 293