P. 308

 Oemar Said   An inventory done by the Ministry   124,  Penerbit Serambi 148,  penerbit   Islamic book publishers have apparently   Mizam was presumed to be a Shi’i   An article on
 Tjokroaminoto   of Religious Affairs in 2003 of 29   Maghfirah Pustaka around 92,  Penerbit   adopted a clear outline of Islamic socio-  publishing house because of its   Tjokroaminoto in Tjaja
 substituted H.   Indonesian publishers that produce   LkiS along with its affiliated branch,   intellectual thought which they had   publication of Dialog Sunnah-Syiah   Hindia. This article states
 Samanhoedias the   books on Islam found that up to 2003   Pustaka Pesantren around 316,  and   turned into the ideological basis for their   and other works by Shi’i thinkers like   that Tjokroaminoto
 chairman of the SI.  there were around 4.687 titles of Islamic   Pustaka Al-Kautsar more than 500   activities and the guide in selecting the   Ali Shariati and Murtadha Muthahari.    was a warrior who had
 Source: National Library   books. Besides, still according to the   at the end of 2007,  Azam publisher   books they wanted to publish. Here, we   However, Mizan occupied only a small   fought for Indonesian
 of Indonesia.  data from the Ministry of Religious   around 79 titles at the end of 2006,    will be specifically concerned with three   space and it was surrounded by an   Independence.
 Affairs, from the ca. 110 Islamic   Remaja Rosdakarya around 137 books   Islamic publishers for they represent   Indonesian climate that generally ignored   Source: National Library
 publishers who joined the 2003 Islamic   at the end of 2005,  and these are just   —though not totally—Indonesian   Shi’a. In fact, most books published by   of Indonesia
 Book Fair in Senayan, ca. 3.041 titles   some examples and do not include the   Muslims’ sociological reality. They are   Mizan were books that belong to the
 of books comprising various fields   total numbers of all the publishers that   Mizan, which represents moderate   Sunni branch of Islam and in the early
 of Islamic studies were published in   produce Islamic books be they IKAPI   Muslims, Gema Insani Press (GIP)   years of its establishment it published
 Indonesia. So, from both studies it has   members or not.  which represents scripturalist and   books written by various popular al-
 become clear that up to 2003, 7.728 titles   fundamentalist Muslims, and LkiS   Ikhwanul Muslimin figures, one of which
 of Islamic books on various subjects   Islamic Book Publishers: Some   (Lembaga Kajian Islam dan Sosial) that   is Surat-Menyurat Maryam Jamilah-
 entered the Indonesian book market. 57  Socio-Intellectual Profiles  represents the Islamic left tendency and   Maududi. 70
          which is critical to both doctrines and the
 IKAPI, which attempts to determine   From what we have seen above we can   social institutions they represent.  Mizan targets university students as
 the range of books on Islam published   underline that recently Islamic books   its readership although most of them
 in Indonesia, assures us that the book   have become an important category   In the early 1980s, Indonesian society   have become the enemies of the new
 publishing industry in Indonesia produces   within the Indonesian publishing world;   was stunned by the founding of the   ways of Islamic thinking about which
 at least 10.000 book titles annually, and   publishing books on Islamic themes   Islamic publisher, Mizan and its two   Mizan also publishes books including
 from that number 3.000 titles deal with   has become an industry with serious   best-sellers Dialog Sunnah-Syiah by   the works written by Nurcholish Madjid.
 Islamic themes.  This means that up to   repercussions on the characteristics of   A. Syafaruddin al-Musawi and Surat  68  The majority of the readers of Mizan
 2008, at least 20.000 to 22.000 titles of   Indonesian Islam. It is very important   Menyurat Maryam Jamilah-Maududi.    publications, according to Watson,
 books on Islam were published, a fact   to elucidate the profiles of Islamic   From the outset, Mizan, which was   belong to the older generations and
 that should be considered.  book publishers and their roles in the   founded in 1983, stood for something   are members of a group of people that
 development of Islamic book publishing.   innovative. In fact, Mizan was established   supported the Islamic cultural movement
 This estimate may be correct when   to publish luxurious modern books
 we have a look at the data on the   In addition to looking for profit, the   and important works on contemporary   in the 1970s.
 publication of books on Islam from the   publishers contributed invaluably to   Islamic thought written by young and   Mizan’s most important effect in the
 766 IKAPI members.  Up to mid-2008,   efforts in the promotion of the use of print   international Muslim thinkers in order   earlier stages of its development was
 Gema Insani Press published ca. 1000   culture.  to offer a balance in the ideas on Islam   to publish the work of young Muslim
 titles of Islamic books,  Darul Haq ca.   Its lso very important to note that   (mizan literally means ‘balancing scales’).  intellectual thinkers from middle class

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