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by Ali Syariati. See Watson, Islamic Books, page 185, footnote14.                            diary of Ahmad Wahib, a young HMI figure who was very critical of Islam. Djohan

                                   69.  Vermonte, “Penerbitan Islam”, 263.                                                         and Ismet collected his reflective notes into a complete book after Ahmad Wahib
                                                                                                                                   died in a motorcycle accident in 1971. However, the publication of this controversial
                                   70.  Watson, ”Islamic Books”, 184-185.
                                                                                                                                   work was met with severe responses of various elements from the Muslim
                                   71.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 185.                                                              community, including the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Some accpted his ideas

                                   72.  Halid and Zubair, “Peranan Penerbit”, 30.                                                  but many more rejected the the book. Objections to this book became evident in
                                                                                                                                   1997 when groups from the Muslim community (the coalition of 8 organizations)
                                   73.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 196.
                                                                                                                                   under the command of the DDII demonstrated against Harian Republika for having
                                   74.  Taken from Gema Insani Press’s official website               included Ahmad Wahib’s thought in one of its columns, Dailog Jum’at (March 31,
                                      (accessed on July 14, 2008).
                                                                                                                                   1995). See also Hefner, Islam Pasar Keadilan, Artikulasi Lokal, Kapitalisme, dan
                                   75.  See,
                                                                                                                                   Demokrasi, (LKiS, Yogyakarta, 2000), especially the chapter “Print Islam: Media
                                   76.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 194.                                                              Massa dan Persaingan Ideologis di Kalangan Muslim Indonesia”, 43-90. However,

                                   77.  Taken from Robbani Press’s official website ,               despite of these pros and cons, the book had been reprinted 6 times upt to 2006
                                      (accessed on July 14, 2008).                                                                 and sold up to 50 thousand copies. See, Cahyo Junaedy, “Saksi di Gerbang Orde
                                   78.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz, Aliran dan Paham Sesat di Indonesia, (Jakarta: Pustaka                 Baru”, Harian Tempo, edition January 24, 2006.
                                      Al-Kautsar, 2002). This book saw at least seven reprints and sold more than 30
                                      thousand copies.                                                                           91.  This was written by William Montgomery Watt and translated by Taufik Adnan
                                                                                                                                   Amal from its original title, Islamic Fundamentalism and Modernity. It was initially
                                   79.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz, Bahaya Pemikiran Gus Dur: Menyakiti Hati Umat, (Jakarta:
                                      Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2000).                                                                   published by Raja Grafindo in 1997 and it was reprinted in 2001.

                                   80.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz dan Abduh Zulfidar Akaha, Bila Kyai Dipertuhankan:                    92.  In its English edition, Ali Syariati’s book wa entitled Man and Islam and in
                                      Membedah Sikap Beragama NU, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2001, 4  reprint                   Indonesia, it was translated by Amien Rais with the title mentioned above.
                                                                                                                                   Previously, this book was published by Shalahuddin Press, Yogyakarta, 1995. The
                                   81.  Hartono Ahmad Jaiz, Menangkal Bahaya JIL & FLA, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-
                                      Kautsar, 2004), 7  reprint.                                                                  first edition was 5000 copies and sold out in the relatively short period of only 4
                                                                                                                                   months. His next book was again published by Raja Grafindo in 1995.
                                   82.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 201.
                                                                                                                                 93.  “Pasar Buku Islam Tengah Menggeliat”, Kompas, November 15, 2003, see also
                                   83.  Mawardi Noor, Garis-Garis Besar Syariat Islam, (Jakarta: Khairul Bayan, 2002).
                                                                                                                         , (accessed June 2008).
                                   84.  Muhammad Ismail Yusanto dan Muhammad Karebet Widjajakusumo, Manajemen
                                      Strategis Perspektif Syariah, (Jakarta: Khairul Bayan, 2003).                              94.  On books having been published see

                                   85.  Fauzan Al-Anshari, Hukuman Bagi Konsumen Miras & Narkoba, (Jakarta: Khairul
                                      Bayan, 2002).                                                                              95.  In Indonesia, a “best-seller” is a book of which more than 30 thousand copies
                                                                                                                                   were sold. See “Buku Bertema Keluarga”, in
                                   86.  Adian Husaini, Nurcholish Madjid: Kontroversi Kematian dan Pemikirannya,
                                      (Jakarta: Khairul Bayan, 2005).                                                            96.  Burhanudin, “Islamic Knowledge”, 1.

                                   87.  The three magazines were luxuriously printed in full color on shiny paper. Fikri
                                      was printed in 10.000 copies of which 30 per cent was sold, Insani was printed             97.  Burhanudin, “Islamic Knowledge”, 204.
                                      in 7500 copies also around 30 per cent was sold, and Alia was printed in 12.500
                                      exemplars of which 60 per cent was sold. See Watson, “Islamic Books”, 202.                 98.  Burhanudin, “Islamic Knowledge”, 204.

                                   88.  Watson, “Islamic Books”, 202.                                                            99.  Burhanudin, “The Fragmentation of Religious Authority”, 54-55.
                                   89.  Vermonte, “Penerbitan Islam”, 264.                                                       100.  Eickelman and Anderson, “Redefining Muslim Publics,” 1-8, as cited by

                                   90.  This is an edited version of Djohan Effendi and Ismet Nasir edition of the entire          Burhanudin in “The Fragmentation of Religious Authority”, 55.

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