P. 325

Islamic Movements

                                                           on Campus

                                                               Muhammad Wildan

                                   Three crucial periods can be identified   Islamic movements) emerged as                       people’s involvement in an organization.  aspirations. 4                          Campus dakwah
                                   in the history of the youth movements.   response to social realities. Islamic                One’s action leads to a specific purpose   Islam an identity to show along with   activities in Salman
                                   First, the establishment of Islamic study   movementson campus wasa response                  and that purpose is determined by      the emergence of other ideological         Mosque at the Bandung
                                   groups among the young educated         to currents socio-religious and political             values or preferences. Followers of an   identities. The founding of Himpunan     Institute of Technology
                                   people, such as Jong Islamieten Bond    situation. Socio-religious and political              organization rationally understand the   Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) and Pergerakan     Source: Documentation
                                   (JIB) and Studenten Islam Studiesclub   changes, require the involvement of                   goals of social movements and how to                                              Salman Mosque ITB
                                   (SIS). Second, the independent period   groups of people who want to participate              achieve their goals. A social movement   Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII),
                                   when student movements emergedin        into the process of change.                           can be distinguished by its primordial   several years after Indonesia’s
                                   nationalist and Islamic spirit, the                                                           structure or its particular purpose.  In   independence, was stimulated by the
                                   Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (the           Herbert Blummer defines social                        this theory the dynamics of a religious   desire of Muslim students to be involved
                                   Islamic Students Association, HMI);     movements as collective efforts to create             social movement could be exposed, not   in shaping the characters and mentality
                                   Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia    new rules of life within the community.               only how campus Islamic movement has   of the Indonesian Muslim students. In
                                   (theIndonesian Islamic Students         As a social movement, campus Islamic                  emerged but also how it successfully   contemporary era, the ideological factor
                                   Movement, PMII); and Ikatan Mahasiswa   movement aims at changing social order.               triggers masses to reach the goal.     is so intense to strive for the emergence
                                   Muhammadiyah (the Muhammadiyah          The Campus Islamic movement can be                    There were several factors that led to   of Islamic movements such as LDK and
                                   Students Bond, IMM) ---the latter two   seen from several perspectives. The                   foundation of Islamic student movement.   KAMMI. The rise of campus Islamic
                                   are student organizations under the     relative deprivation theory views social              First,ideology is a very significant factor   movements can be referred also as a
                                   NU and Muhammadiyah organizations       movements emerging from a group of                    in shaping personalities and mass      “protest movement” against the existing
                                   respectively. Finally, the 1980s period   people who are not satisfied with the               mobilization. In many universities,    Islamic movements within campuses
                                   up to the present time whenstudent      ongoing social changes or because of                  especially public universities, Islamic   perceived to bring into a different
                                   movementshave developed into a          their marginalized positions in politics or           movement is a way to show students’    direction and ideology as well.
                                   high spirit of Islamism in the period   economy. Briefly, the relative deprivation            Islamic identities. Many Islamic students   Second, the emerged of the student
                                   establishment of Lembaga Dakwah         theory explains that social deprivation               are active in the movements at their   movements is also driven by political
                                   Kampus (the Campus Propagation          is formed when there is a difference                  campuses to spread their ideological   factors. This is especially true in the case
                                   Agency, LDK)and Kesatuan Aksi           between expectations and realities. This              orientation. Contestation with other   of HMI and PMII. Within the plethora
                                   Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (the         relative deprivation, when collectively               movements, other religion based        of nationalist movements, the Muslim
                                   Indonesian Muslim-Students’ Actions     formed, potentially becomes a social                  student organizations, and non-religious   students compelled to engage in coloring
                                   Union, KAMMI).                          movement. 2                                           organizations are ideological factors that   political attitudes, although these
                                                                           Another theory that may help to uncover               incite Islamic movements to emerge at   movements are not the substructuresof
                                   Islamic Student                         the dynamics of campus Islamic                        campuses. Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB),   any Islamic political parties. However,
                                   Movements:Some Explanatory              movements is the rational choice theory.              as will be explained later, emerged as   in terms of Islam politics, the Islamic
                                                                           Developed by James S. Coleman, the                    an antithesis to Jong Java that failed   student movements cannot be classified
                                   Islamic movements (including campus     rational choice theory bears principles of            to accommodate the Muslim students’    as a movement of Islamism, since none

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