Page 17 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
P. 17
HANDS-ON This three-day (3) course will start on Friday, February 24, and run through
Sunday, February 26. A separate acceptance letter will be sent with the
758 Saturday & Sunday location and times. The Two Day fire school registration fee will be applied
to cover the cost of breaks all three days, and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.
Trench Rescue Lunch will be on your own on Friday.
PRI Staff Instructors and FSTB 759 Fri/Sat/Sun NEW
Field Staff Instuctors
Critical Incident Stress Management for Fire & EMS
This course will give responders
hands-on training on trench rescue Gus Henrici, Polk County CISM Team
procedures. The purpose of this
course is to explain basic strategies This three day CISM training in assisting individuals and groups after a critical
to safeguard responders’ health and incident will give you the skills to support both Fire & EMS personnel as well as the
safety when dealing with potential community you live in. Learn skills that are research based and proven to provide
dangers associated with trench collapse quality crisis intervention and support. Participants will receive ICISF recognized
emergencies. Students will gain basic training in Assisting Individuals in Crisis and Group Crisis Intervention, these are the
knowledge in trench procedures, core CISM courses.
new equipment, trench hazards, and Students in this class will be charged a $30.00 resource fee for materials and manuals.
proper patient packaging. This course
allows responders to work together to EMS CEHs: 8 Hours - Formal
understand the patient’s needs. The
content of this course meets the NFPA EMS CEHs: 16 Hours - Optional
1006 and NFPA 1670 requirements.
PPE Equipment Required: Helmet,
Leather Gloves, Safety Glasses or
Googles, and Footwear that provides
ankle support. Coveralls are optional. FOUR DAY CLASS
EMS CEHs: 4 Hours - Formal
This four-day (4) course will start on Thursday, February 23, and run through
EMS CEHs: 8 Hours - Optional Sunday, February 26. A separate acceptance letter will be sent with the location
and times. The twelve hour fire school registration fee will be applied to cover
the cost of breaks all four days, and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Lunch will
be on your own Thursday and Friday.
760 Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun
Fire Instructor I
Scott Meinecke, Rescue Captain, Sheldon Fire Rescue, and FSTB Field Staff
Instructor; and Rex Heisdorffer, Training Officer, Newton Fire Department,
and FSTB Field Staff Instructor
This course is designed to prepare new instructors, or those wanting to be instructors,
on how to organize and teach effectively, using existing lesson plans. In addition,
instructor candidates will also learn how to use instructional aids and evaluation
instruments, adapt lesson plans, organize the learning environment, and meet record-
keeping requirements.
This course meets the Job Performance Requirements for Instructor I, as stated in the NFPA
1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications, 2012 Edition.
16 Fire Service Training Bureau 93rd Annual State Fire School 17