Page 15 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
P. 15
The Annual Rescue Skills Weekend is an
opportunity to learn various rescue related
techniques in simulated conditions. Come
join our training partners, Professional
Rescue Innovations (PRI) and the National
Education Center for Agricultural Safety
(NECAS) in this unique opportunity to train
with quality instructors in realistic conditions.
Individuals from Iowa volunteer and
combination fire departments registering
for this course will receive a $30.00
reduction in Fire School fees, due to partial
grant funding from the Iowa Volunteer
Firefighters Training Fund.
These classes will be held at the Central
Iowa Expo in Boone. Please check in at this
location on Saturday morning. DO NOT
check in at Scheman this year.
752 Saturday & Sunday 753 Saturday & Sunday 754 Saturday & Sunday
High Angle Rope Rescue Grain Bin Rescue Confined Space Rescue
PRI Staff Instructors and PRI Staff Instructors and PRI Staff Instructors and
FSTB Field Staff Instructors FSTB Field Staff Instructors FSTB Field Staff Instructors
This course provides information and This course is designed to give This course is designed to provide
skills necessary to perform rescues students knowledge of grain bin basic strategies for confined space
utilizing ropes. Topics include size-up design and structure as well as the rescue responses. The focus is on the
and scene management, knots, inherent dangers involved in working hazardous atmospheres most often
equipment, anchors, ascending/ with and around these structures confronted in a confined space. Students
descending techniques, and mechanical and equipment related to grain will practice rescue techniques in a
advantages. Students will participate handling and movement. Emphasis State-of-the-Art training simulator for
in rescue evolutions under supervision will be on safe rescue techniques for both horizontal and vertical rescues.
of the instructors. Tower rescue will personnel when faced with grain bin Students will understand facility pre-
also be included in this training. The entrapments. The content of this planning, working with the Incident
content of this course meets the NFPA course meets the NFPA 1006 and Command System and establishing
1006 and NFPA 1670 requirements. NFPA 1670 requirements. procedures for conducting rescues. The
content of this course meets the NFPA
PPE Equipment Required: Helmet, PPE Equipment Required: Helmet, 1006 and NFPA 1670 requirements.
Leather Gloves, Safety Glasses or Leather Gloves, Safety Glasses
Goggles, and Footwear that provides or Goggles, and Footwear that Personal Protective Equipment and
ankle support. Coveralls are optional. provides ankle support. Coveralls are SCBA Requirements Apply
EMS CEHs: 4 Hours - Formal EMS CEHs: 4 Hours - Formal
EMS CEHs: 6 Hours - Formal
EMS CEHs: 8 Hours - Optional EMS CEHs: 8 Hours - Optional
14 Fire Service Training Bureau 93rd Annual State Fire School 15