Page 10 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
P. 10


          733 Saturday                                                NEW             735  Saturday
                                                                                      736  Sunday
                   Sizing-Up Fire & EMS Law: Spotting Issues and                             Forcible Entry
                       Delivering Solutions for Today’s Leader
                                                                                          FSTB Field Staff Instructors
                  Skylar Limkemann, Attorney, Scheldrup Blades Schrock Smith PC
                                                                                      This hands-on workshop will provide
          Size-up – the process of evaluating the problems and conditions that may influence the result of   participants with an opportunity to
          an emergency call such as a fire.  One of size-up’s basic principles is that it begins at the time   perform forcible entry on a variety
          the emergency alarm is received.  It is a continuing evaluation that emergency responders at   of new “forcible entry” door and
          all levels should master.  While a lot of focus has been given to size-up in the limited context   window props.  Students will review
          of emergency calls, or mitigating the emergency in front of you, this session should help   basic forcible entry techniques
          expand your size-up capabilities to some potential legal issues that may arise.  This session   prior to practicing these techniques
          will provide an overview of Iowa law as it relates to fire, EMS, and dispatch, including statutory   with appropriate tools.  As the class
          duties and powers of both municipalities and their leadership, workers’ compensation, and   progresses, the skill level will move
          EMS regulations.  In addition, a portion of the session should address the law surrounding   from basic to more intermediate and
          a department’s services, including an overview of funding fire protection and EMS, as well   advanced skills.
          as suggestions on how department’s may legally obtain additional resources.  It should also
          address non-profit groups connected to fire and EMS and some of the prevalent issues,   Individuals from Iowa volunteer
          including fundraising. Utilizing examples of cases, emergency incidents, and video/audio   and combination fire departments
          recordings, this session should also provide a summary of defenses to claims involving   registering for this course will receive
          emergency response services, and best practices for policies and guidelines to help keep  a $30.00 reduction in Fire School fees,
          you out of the hot seat.  Come ready to expand both your size-up knowledge and your  due to partial grant funding from the
          toolbox with some best practices and potential solutions to issues facing today’s emergency  Iowa Volunteer Firefighters Training
          services leader.  Note: this course is designed for all emergency responders, including   Fund.
          firefighters, company officers, chiefs, or emergency medical providers, as well as insurance
          loss control specialists, claims adjusters, and elected officials.          Personal Protective Equipment
                                                                                      Requirements Apply
                       EMS CEHs:  6 Hours - Optional

          734  Saturday                                                NEW

                     Responding to the Changing Structure Fire

                  Fred Malven, Assistant Chief of Training & Special Operations,
                            Nevada Community Fire Department
          America’s building stock is changing rapidly.  Every year firefighters and officers see new
          “advances” in building materials, construction methods and contents.  Many of these changes
          have resulted in more dangerous structure fires characterized by higher temperatures,
          more numerous routes of fire spread, increased probability of rapid structural failure,
          disorienting maze-like spaces and, in general, far less predictable conditions.  And, it has
          become increasingly clear that the “same old tactics” may be just as unpredictable and
          dangerous. Relative to these and other significant changes in building construction practices,
          this class will focus on two key areas: 1) building construction practices, especially new
          developments, that pose significant threats to firefighter safety and operational effectiveness
          and their recognition on the emergency scene, and 2) tactical concepts for safer, more
          efficient response to these perils at future structure fires.

        10                                         Fire Service Training Bureau                                                                                               93rd Annual State Fire School                                 11
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