Page 8 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
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723 Saturday PM 727 Saturday PM NEW
724 Sunday PM NEW 728 Sunday PM
Crew Resource Management: Motivation in Training…
This Safety Tool is Working in Iowa Getting it Back to Your
Jerry Holt, Fire Chief Urbandale Fire Department, and FSTB Field Staff Instructor
Scott Peterson, FF/EMT Training
Overview of Presentation: New recruits, experienced firefighters and Chief Officers will be Officer, City of Fulton, MO, Fire
able to identify the concepts of crew resource management and learn how to avoid the Department, Montgomery
barriers of implementation discussed to improve firefighter safety. Hear of the success of Fire Protection District
CRM right here in Iowa!
This class was developed and designed
to assist fire departments both large
and small to help overcome the lack
of motivation in their training. So
725 Saturday PM NEW many times regardless if we are a paid
726 Sunday PM firefighter or a volunteer firefighter
we find any “excuse” not to attend
Safety On the Drill Ground training. This class identifies why we
do not train, and how we can look
at some options to get motivated
Rich Rodewald, Drill Master, Council Bluffs Fire Department, to attend training, be productive at
and FSTB Field Staff Instructor training, and help our fellow brothers
and sisters to become motivated
With so much time and energy focused on preparing training schedules, developing to train. This program also looks
lessons, and presenting classes to our firefighters, it is easy to see why safety sometimes at the reason why we need to train
gets overlooked. We all assume that our personnel will act in a safe manor, abide by safety and the results if we don’t. This is
rules, and that the drills we prepare are inherently safe. Unfortunately, a passive approach an interactive class getting to know
to safety when it comes to working on the drill grounds will continue to cost the fire sevice the students and the issues in their
injuries and line-of-duty deaths. This class will demonstrate the importance of a pro-active own departments. We will use class
approach to firefighter safety during training activities. Through NFPA statistics and NIOSH participation, video, and even use our
firefighter line-of-duty death reports, participants will identify trends in training injuries/ emotions as a motivator.
deaths and discuss prevention methods. Additional topics include: drill safety plans, rehab
and medical monitoring, and the role of the Safety Officer. All participants will leave with
a better understanding of their responsibility for firefighter safety and how to ensure their
next training event is successful and safe.
8 Fire Service Training Bureau 93rd Annual State Fire School 9