Page 7 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
P. 7
717 Saturday AM 721 Saturday PM
718 Saturday PM 722 Sunday PM
Median Cable Barriers: Vehicle Extrication and Volunteer Fire Chief
How it Relates to Iowa’s Incident Management Plan Guidance
Duane Hendrickson, Fire Chief,
Khyle Clute, Transportation Engineer, Iowa Department of Transportation; and Jewell Fire & Rescue, and
John Wilson, Executive Office, Iowa Department of Transportation Secretary/Treasurer, Iowa Fire
Chiefs Association; and members
High tension cable barrier systems are a newer safety feature being added to Iowa of the IFCA
highways. This presentation will cover basic design elements, placement on the highway,
safety concerns once arriving on scene, the preferred order of extricating a captured This workshop will provide a general
vehicle, and what happens once the DOT’s Traffic Operations Center is contacted, and an overview of the responsibilities of
overview of Iowa’s Incident Management Plan and how contacting the Traffic Operations an Iowa fire chief. It is designed for
Center initiates additional actions to ensure the traveling public is notified of an incident. volunteer fire chiefs, either recently
elected to the position or seasoned
EMS CEHs: 3 Hours - Optional with many years of experience. This
workshop will include a discussion of
Iowa Code as it relates to the fire chief,
and offers an Administrative Annual
Checklist that helps
define areas of a fire
719 Saturday PM chiefs responsibility.
720 Sunday PM
Spanish for the Emergency Responder (Fire/EMS)
John DeLlanos, Division Chief of EMS,
West Burlington Fire Department, and FSTB Field Staff Instructor
The purpose of this workshop is to help first responders feel comfortable speaking to
Spanish speaking persons. The program will provide participants with an introduction of
the Spanish language, including some pronunciations and sounds not found in the English
language. This workshop will cover some common fireground terminology to assist
Spanish-speaking civilians, along with basic patient care and medical terminology for EMS
personnel. Knowing some basics may be the difference between life and death.
EMS CEHs: 3 Hours - Optional
6 Fire Service Training Bureau 93rd Annual State Fire School 7