Page 11 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
P. 11


          737 Saturday                                                                 741 Sunday
          738 Sunday

                                                                                        National Traffic Incident
                                 Interior Fire Attack                                      Management (TIM)
                                                                                           Responder Training
                                FSTB Field Staff Instructors

          Students will gain information and practice the skills required to safely enter a burning   Doug Allen, Commander, Ames
          structure.  The basic principles of firefighter safety, fire behavior, thermal layering,   Fire Department, and Training
          ventilation, stages of fire, and fire streams will be reviewed in the classroom.  Students   Specialist, Fire Service Training
          will put their knowledge to use in the NEW FSTB’s two-story Mobile Fire Training unit.    Bureau; and representatives from
          This training unit will simulate conditions encountered in actual interior structural fires.    the Iowa State Patrol
          During the evolutions, students will be able to practice SCBA usage, hose handling skills,
          communications, and fire attacks simulating ground level, basement, and above grade fires.    Three injury crashes occur every minute
          Accountability and Incident Command principles will be used during the training evolutions.  in the United States, putting nearly
                                                                                       39,000 incident responders potentially
          Individuals from Iowa volunteer and combination fire departments registering for this   in harm’s way every day.  Congestion
          course will receive a $30.00 reduction in Fire School fees, due to partial grant funding from   from these incidents can generate
          the Iowa Volunteer Firefighters Training Fund.                               secondary crashes, increasing traveler
                                                                                       delays and frustration.  The longer
          Personal Protective Equipment and SCBA Requirements Apply                    responders remain on the scene, the
                                                                                       greater the risk they, and the motoring
                                                                                       public face.  This national training
                                                                                       program is designed to encourage multi-
                                                                                       discipline responders to work together
                                                                                       from the moment the emergency call
                                                                                       is made, to correct deployment of
                                                                                       response vehicles and equipment, to
                                                                                       a safe work area using traffic control
                                                                                       devices, to final scene clearance.

                                                                                                    EMS CEHs:  6 Hours - Optional

          739  Saturday                                               NEW
          740  Sunday

                     Building A Mentally Resilient Department

                John Petersen, Captain, Murray City Fire Department, Murray City, Utah

          This course is designed to give firefighters / EMS personnel a realistic look at why the Fire
          Service suffers from mental health issues and how to realistically address the problem.
          Students are given the skills to objectively look at their organization and determine what areas
          are causing mental strain, and how to create an environment where firefighters are mentally
          resilient.  This course emphasizes the prevention of mental health issues before they grow
          into full scale personal problems as well as how organizations can respond to the needs of
          their personnel during mentally trying times.  With the characteristic culture of the fire service,
          this class offers a very unique and informed insight into the Fire Service mental health.
                       EMS CEHs:  6 Hours - Optional

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