Page 13 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
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          745 Sunday                             746  Sunday           NEW             747  Sunday           NEW

               Engine Company                        What Does it Take                         Ending the
           Operations for Volunteer              To Be An Exceptional Fire                Death-by-PowerPoint
           Companies – Beyond the                    Service Instructor                         Epidemic
                     Book                                 in 2017

                                                                                        Jon Misewicz, Former member
             Blake Deiber, Denison Fire          Doug Kolkman, Fire Captain of the       of Memphis Fire Department,
             Department, and FSTB Field          Yarmouth Fire Department, Past                 Memphis TN
           Staff Instructor; Josh Hoffmeier,     President of the IaSFSI, and FSTB
              Firefighter, Denison Fire               Field Staff Instructor           Many classes today seem more like
            Department; Lt. Justin Gotto,                                              bedtime stories than instructional
            Denison Fire Department; and         It’s hard work to be a fire service   opportunities. Instructors
             Cory Snowgren, Fire Chief,          instructor as well as being rewarding.   dim the lights and read the
              Denison Fire Department            As a new instructor, you are charged   PowerPoint slides to the audience
                                                 with staying current, deepening       quite effectively putting them to
          This class will focus on the stretching   your knowledge of new principles   sleep. This course aims to change
          and deployment of the initial attack   and practices, and determining how    all that! This course is designed to
          line.  Each step of this process is    and where it will fit into your class.    assist instructors in preparing for
          broken down and examined through       Avoiding instructional pit falls and   real-life application of the educational
          the eyes of the firefighter.  The      ensuring quality should be the goal   process in emergency services. We
          process will then be put back together   of any instructor. This class will cover   will explore a broad spectrum of
          with a greater understanding of        basic skills to present a lesson, basic   educational theory and evidence-
          each part being critical to the fast,   skills to be effective in delivering   based best practices for instructors of
          effective, and efficient deployment of   the assigned material, leadership   all experience levels. While examining
          an attack line.  Firefighters will then   in presenting the material that will   how students learn, we’ll explore the
          participate in practical evolutions to   instill confidence in your students,   utilization of instructional aids such
          reinforce the concepts learning in the   and using mentoring and coaching    as PowerPoint as an enhancement
          classroom.  “As the first line goes, so   that will help students to learn new   to our presentation rather than
          does the fire”.                        knowledge and build skills to perform   a crutch. Analyzing the way the
                                                 their jobs. This class is designed    brain processes information we can
          Personal Protective Equipment and      for any fire service instructor who   make our classroom presentations
          SCBA Requirements Apply                wants or needs to sharpen their       more effective and more engaging.
                                                 instructional skills to ensure quality in   The lecture format of this course
                                                 the classroom or on the drill ground.  incorporates activities that engage
                                                                                       higher-level thinking and learning
                                                                                       while maintaining maximum student
                                                                                       engagement.  At the end of the day
                                                                                       we hope to inspire our instructors
                                                                                       to consider the brain when building
                                                                                       presentations turning a simple lecture
                                                                                       into a learning experience.

 12  Fire Service Training Bureau                  93rd Annual State Fire School                                  13
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