Page 4 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
P. 4
701 Saturday AM 703 Saturday AM NEW
Developing Grant Writing BLS Providers Assisting With ALS Skills
Skills for AFG Programs
Brandon Kooiker, BSN, RN, CEN, NRAEMT,
Linda Davis, Fire Program LRS Healthcare, and FSTB Field Staff Instructor
Specialist, FEMA Region VII
EMT’s can find themselves in critical situations that require Advanced Life Support (ALS). Although
This workshop covers a brief overview EMTS are not trained to provide advanced skills, there is much they can do to improve the
of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant quality of management and thus the patient’s chance of survival by understanding ALS skills and
(AFG) Programs and reauthorizations, facilitating its administration by ALS providers. Teamwork is the cornerstone of ALS care. Advanced
followed by a detailed review of the Life Support can only function on the foundation of solid, ongoing basic life support practices.
application process. Participants will As such, an understanding of the principles of advanced life support will enhance the ability of
receive information on the fundamentals EMTs to work in collaboration to increase the survival rates of patients. Most importantly, better
of identifying organizational gaps and teamwork will improve care not only during cardiac arrest, but also during all emergency calls.
vulnerabilities, and linking them to
the AFG programs highest priorities. EMS CEHs: 3 Hours - Formal
Working as a team, participants will
engage in a simulated “peer review
process” designed to enhance the
development of a comprehensive,
concise, and accurate AFG program
narrative. This workshop is designed
to help participants
develop the tools to
better prepare for,
write, and review an
AFG application.
702 Saturday AM NEW
704 Saturday PM NEW
A Better Mouse Trap? Tips
for Writing Fire Reports Heart and Lungs: A Hands-On Skills and Dissection Lab
Jonathan Lund, Fire Marshal, Brandon Kooiker, BSN, RN, CEN, NRAEMT,
Des Moines Fire Department LRS Healthcare, and FSTB Field Staff Instructor
After the fire is knocked down, This class combines educational materials with a hands-on approach that explains
eventually extinguished, and emergent interventions and resuscitation techniques. This will educate and explain the
everything is picked up, who cares most demanding skills you need to make a difference. We will cover patient assessment,
about the documentation of the fire? bleeding control, BLS & ALS ventilation management, and thoracic decompression. Using
Very few people enjoy writing detailed dissection techniques, participants will identify, visualize, and explore the anatomy of the
fire reports. This class will help you heart and lungs while better understanding the more common medical and traumatic
improve your fire report writing skills disease processes that EMS providers encounter. Come experience the hands-on of fresh
and look at the importance of the comparative anatomy and review of the heart and lungs.
data collected through fire reporting.
EMS CEHs: 3 Hours - Formal
3 Fire Service Training Bureau 93rd Annual State Fire School 4