Page 5 - 2017 Annual Fire School Brochure
P. 5


          705  Sunday AM                                                               707  Saturday AM
                                                                                       708 Sunday AM          NEW
                                 Human Trafficking
                                                                                            They Did What?

               Senior Trooper Doug Cutts, Safety Education Officer, Iowa State Patrol;
                  Trooper Alex Dinkla, Safety Education Officer, Iowa State Patrol      Jerry Holt, Fire Chief Urbandale
                                                                                            Fire Department, and
          Young children are being transported across this state every day.  Firefighters, EMS   FSTB Field Staff Instructor
          personnel, and police officers are having contact with these children, yet are missing
          key signs.  These children are being taken, and forced into a life of sex and slavery, never   This presentation will review events
          returning home.  This workshop will introduce the concepts of human trafficking of young,   from around the country that
          underage children.  Discussions will include: what to look for and what to do.  demonstrate inappropriate actions
                                                                                       taken by fire service personnel.
                       EMS CEHs:  3 Hours - Optional                                   The presentation will review those
                                                                                       actions, how the media portrays
                                                                                       those actions and identify ways those
                                                                                       actions could have been prevented.
                                                                                       This presentation is not limited to
                                                                                       strategy and tactics or the fireground.
                                                                                       The focus is on inappropriate actions
                                                                                       wherever they occur and how you
                                                                                       can avoid having those actions show
                                                                                       up in your fire department. These
                                                                                       include inappropriate personnel
                                                                                       actions, harassment, embezzlement,
                                                                                       hostile work environments as well
                                                                                       as operational issues such as driving
                                                                                       and response procedures. You won’t
                                                                                       believe what they just did!

                                                                                       709 Saturday AM
                                                                                       710 Sunday AM         NEW

                                                                                             ISO PPC (Public
                                                                                        Protection Classification)

          706  Sunday AM                                                                Randy Downs, Midwest Regional
                                                                                        Manager for ISO; Bill Halleran,
                                                                                         Field Representative for SE IA
                                   Standpipes 101
                                                                                       In 2012 ISO updated their fire
                                                                                       protection classification grading
                    Jonathan Lund, Fire Marshal, Des Moines Fire Department
                                                                                       schedule. This course will introduce
                                                                                       individuals to this new grading
          This workshop is designed to teach firefighters what they need to know about standpipes…  schedule.  The newest sections of the
          This is NOT a codes class.  Students will learn about the types of standpipes firefighters will   grading schedule, which include Fire
          most likely encounter, guidelines for effectively using standpipes, tools needed for dealing   Codes, Fire Investigations and Public
          with common standpipe issues, and what to look for during inspections and preplanning.
                                                                                       Education, will also be discussed.

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