Page 5 - PromptPal Documentations.
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PromptPal Configuration
You can alter various aspects of PromptPal's behavior and appearance via the Configuration dialog. To view the dialog,
please select "Configure..." from the File menu.
The Configuration dialog contains four separate pages - please click on the links below for information pertaining to
each page.
Command History
Path History
Don't Show This Again
This page of the Configuration dialog lets you change how PromptPal behaves when it is launched.
Default Shell
Defines the shell that will be used when you open a new tab using "File -> New Tab" or via the toolbar. This setting
can also be changed via File -> New Tab Advanced.
Default Directory (optional)
This defines the directory that PromptPal will use when you open a new tab using "File -> New Tab" or via the toolbar.
It's best to choose a directory that is always accessible - e.g. avoid paths to removable media drives.
Default Command (optional)
This specifies a command line that will be executed every single time a new tab starts up. If non-blank, the command
will be executed prior to any other commands, even those passed through to PromptPal via the command line. You
might use this to run a batch file that pre-configures the shell environment, for example.
Starting Directory / Tabs
PromptPal defaults to opening with a single tab, at the default directory (see above). If you prefer, you can make
PromptPal open with a "working set" of named tabs. Each tab will open at its own starting directory.
The options are as follows:
1) Single tab, starting in the default directory
This is PromptPal's default setting. This setting does not preserve tabs names between sessions.
2) Restore tabs and directories from previous session
This setting causes PromptPal to record the current set of tabs (along with their names and current directories) when
closing, and restore them automatically at the next launch. This option is best avoided if you are not using PromptPal
in "single window" mode! Remember - the most recent PromptPal window to close sets the template for the next
3) Open tabs at directories as specified below
With this setting, you can specify the tabs and directories that will be opened at the next launch. This is the most
useful option if you typically work in the same set of directories each day.
Use the "Take Current Tabs" button to help you set up the list quickly. It takes a snapshot of your current tab layout
and populates the list (deleting whatever was there before).
If you're running on Windows Vista or later, you'll also see a button with the "elevation" shield icon. This is used to
make tabs open with full administrator privileges. For more details, please click here.
Ignore if launched via command line
This additional setting applies to all three of the options above. It covers the case where PromptPal is launched with
parameters on the command line - as happens when using the "Open PromptPal Here" command in Windows Explorer.
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