Page 7 - PromptPal Documentations.
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Configuration Page 3 of 5
Tick this to prevent the auto-complete popup from using all available screen width for very long items.
Command Autocomplete includes history
By default the command autocomplete popup is a mixture of known commands and non-duplicate commands lines in
the history (plus any favorites you've defined). If you disable this setting, the command popup will list only known
Right click performs Edit -> Paste
When set, a right click of the mouse executes a clipboard paste operation, just as it does in the traditional command
prompt. If this setting is disabled, a right click results in a popup menu containing the same commands as the Edit
Use new-style Browse For Folders
This applies to the "Insert Directory" command, which summons the Windows folder browsing dialog. On recent
operating systems, Windows actually has two versions of this dialog. The older version, which is the default used by
PromptPal, is a little primitive but opens very quickly and is particularly keyboard-friendly. The newer version is
altogether more polished - it's resizable and has a "Make new folder" button. It's also a little slower to open and is
more suited to heavy mouse users. The choice is yours...
Browse for Folders edit has initial focus
Regardless of the type of folder-browsing dialog in use, this setting tries to force initial input focus into the dialog's
edit box. On some systems, the dialog usually comes up with input focus on the drive "tree" if this setting is not
Some more settings that apply to the PromptPal application:
Single Window Mode
When this setting is enabled, any operation that would normally create a new PromptPal window will instead create a
new tab in the current window - if one exists.
Always show tabs
Ordinarily the row of tabs is hidden if there is only one tab, and displayed when more tabs are created. If you enable
this setting, the tab row will be shown all the time.
Tab name follows dir
When set, the name of each tab changes automatically to reflect the current directory in that tab. If you disable it,
you can provide a fixed name for each tab yourself.
Use wizard when adding new command information
By default, PromptPal uses a step-by-step "wizard" when you extend its list of recognized commands. If you regularly
add new commands you may prefer to skip the wizard and go directly to command information editing screen.
Command History
This page of the Configuration dialog allows you to view the current shared command history held by PromptPal.
Whenever a new tab is created it is given a snapshot of this shared command history. As the tab is used it gradually
develops its own personal history of commands, but every new command typed into the tab still goes on the shard
history for use with freshly created tabs.
You can edit the command history using this page, and change the number of commands that the history is capable of
storing. You can also mark certain commands as "favorites" - see below for details.
[Tip - if you just wish to delete the most recent (non-favorite) command, you don't have to use this page - you can
just use "Strike Last Command From History" in the Commands menu]
Maximum Size
file:///C:/Users/Showcasedd/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh3A23.htm 6/10/2017