Page 3 - George Boyeee
P. 3
Task – Interactive Poster on Nutrients
For this task you must publish information in the form of words, pictures, music, videos and
more about one class (kind) of nutrients
Nutrients are complex compounds that often essential for the survival of living things. In
various ways, they help living things to grow, develop and maintain themselves
Finally, follow the steps below in this outline to ensure success in completing this assignment
Step 1 – What kind of nutrient (or group of nutrients) are you interested in learning more
about? Look at the list below and then select one. (It may be possible to add and choose
another class of nutrients but be sure to get permission from your teacher)
List of Common Types of Energy in the World
1. Carbohydrates 6. Minerals
2. Proteins 7. Fiber
3. Fats and Lipids 8. ??______________________________
4. Water
5. Vitamins
>> Write your chosen nutrient below:
My chosen nutrient type will be : _______________________________________
Step 2 – Research Information about you chosen energy source using appropriate resources
(ex. textbook sections, safe online websites, trusted professional, etc.)
1. Write down 3 or more questions what you want to find out about your topic.
You may use any questions from the brainstorm box or choose your own for your 3
Brainstorm List for Research Questions
1. What is nutrition? ** MUST ANSWER! 8. Are there different sub-types for my
2. What exactly is my nutrient type? nutrient type?Who discovered my nutrient
3. What kind of matter makes up my type?
nutrient? ie. what are the elements, 9. What possible ways could my nutrient
compounds, etc? class be used by people in the future?
4. What are some common sources of my 10. Is my nutrient type better or worse than
nutrient. ie. where can find/get it? other nutrients. (ie. Compare your nutrient
5. How does my nutrient get produced / type to other kinds, how is it better or
get stored/ exist in nature? (ie. are there worse than them, what are some pros and
any things in the world that naturally cons for using your nutrient type compared
make, use or store my nutrient? ) to using other kinds of nutrients)
6. How do humans in particular make use 11. _______________________________?
of my nutrient? 12. _______________________________?
7. How do people possibly manufacture, 13. _______________________________?
measure, monitor, modify or do other 14. _______________________________?
unnatural things to my nutrient?