Page 4 - George Boyeee
P. 4

>> Write your 3 chosen questions below:

        Question 1: ____________________________________________________________________?

        Question 2: ____________________________________________________________________?

        Question 3: ____________________________________________________________________?

            2.  Write 1 at least one good page of jot notes to answer each question. (at least ¾  of a page for
               each answer)
                 Remember to choose appropriate sources for your answers!

        Step 3 – Learn how to -PRESENT- your information to the class.
        >> For this particular min-project, you must use a special online poster software called,
        >> To learn better about this software and how to use it do the following:

            1.  Look at some examples done by other students
               >> Go to google images and type: Glogster poster examples -OR- glogster poster nutrients
               >> Click on some of the images you see and then click -visit page-
               >> Examine well some of the posters

            2.  Read more about Glogster and how to use it
               >> Go to
               >> Read carefully all text in the blog
               >> Look carefully at the pictures

            3.  Learn more how to use Glogster by watching a tutorial
               >> Go to google video and type: Glogster tutorial -OR- how to use glogster
               >> Watch one or more tutorial videos

            4.  Write a journal (1/2 page minimum) about some important ideas that you learned from doing
               steps 1,2 and 3

        Step 4 – Make your poster

            1.  Using the checklist below, create a suitable poster for your chosen energy type

            ** In other words, ensure that -ALL- of the following MUST SEES below are covered!!

        _____  My poster has an appropriate title
        _____  My poster includes at least 4 appropriate images, pictures or other graphics
        _____  My poster includes at least 1 appropriate video, animation or other moving image
        _____  My poster contains sufficient information about ALL THREE of my chosen research questions
        _____  My poster includes other headings and subtitles to help organize all graphics, videos, music
                    and pieces of information
        _____ Everything is arranged in a neat, clear and easy to understand way
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